I have created cloud function using Parse.com Javascript SDK and i am calling those functions from Arduino.Following is code for function hello
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) {
response.success("This is hello function");
}); //hello function Block
I am calling this function from Arduino side using following code.
void setup() {
Parse.begin("***zE0uUjQkMa7nj5D5BALvzegzfyVNSG22BD***", "***Ssggp5JgMFmSHfloewW5oixlM5ibt9LBSE***");
//commented my keys with * here only
// In this example, we associate this device with a pre-generated installation
I have created cloud function using Parse.com Javascript SDK and i am calling those functions from Arduino.Following is code for function hello
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) { response.success("This is hello function");
}); //hello function Block
I am calling this function from Arduino side using following code.
void setup() {
void loop() {
void demoBasic(String functionname,int light){
}//function block for demoBasic
Problem is that i am getting response 8 times only after that whole program flow gets blocked.What is the problem,can somebody help please?