parse-community / parse-server-push-adapter

A push notification adapter for Parse Server
MIT License
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Expiration of APN Development Certificate causes Production Deployment to Crash #162

Open NicksonYap opened 3 years ago

NicksonYap commented 3 years ago


Firstly thanks for this package, saving us devs countless hours (or days & weeks!)

However there may be a concerning issue here (essentially a yearly time bomb for all applications using Parse Push Adapter)

I have both development & production cert configured Parse Push, that was deployed in production

Upon expiry of the Development cert, the Production deployment went down Embarrassingly, it stayed down for 3 whole days...

Yes, I had included Development cert in Production deployment (probably a mistake but has been working fine for a whole year until now) image

As you can see, Development cert expires at about 1 month earlier than Production (see the 2021 expiry ones) Development cert for 2020 has already expired and disappeared from above

Problem is, I did receive email notification of expiry, but for Production cert only! image

Because parse-server-push-adapter triggers a crash also on Development cert which expires 1 month before the Production cert, this renders the Production cert expiry notification useless (in my case at least)

I have commented out Development cert in production as a quick fix then finally renewed the Production cert while leaving Development cert disabled

Conclusion: Perhaps expiry of Development Cert should not crash but only warn in console log (or even better, set up email notification) Note in Documentation or remove/disabled Development cert in Production?

In my case the instance was down during the weekends so it's not as severe but I think this is important to note for other developers/applications

Best, Nickson