parse-community / parse-server

Parse Server for Node.js / Express
Apache License 2.0
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Add back{4}app to your wiki on Community links #918

Closed alyssoncm closed 8 years ago

alyssoncm commented 8 years ago

back{4}app released an automatic migration wizard for Parse users on its platform. back{4}app is the hub for backend and APIs. Just focus on creating amazing user experiences and forget about complex infrastructure. You can build and host APIs for the web, mobile and IoT apps, working up to 80% faster. back{4}app uses Parse Open Source framework to make it happen. Now we already have Parse Server and Database (with cloud codes and push) running and the next release will be your dashboard. I believe that the parse is a very powerful tool that will continue to be continuously improved by the open source community. We are eager to contribute new features.

davimacedo commented 8 years ago


alexvenom commented 8 years ago


brunopicinin commented 8 years ago


abnertcj commented 8 years ago


julioctcampos commented 8 years ago


adrianodsq commented 8 years ago

+1 More info available here:

AyrtonAlves commented 8 years ago


alponline commented 8 years ago


mtrezza commented 8 years ago

While I am sure that a list of hosted commercial Parse Server providers would be beneficial to many programmers who don't want to deal with setting up a Parse Server, I am not sure if the git repo should be used as a commercial advertising channel.

However, such a list should also include

And maybe also providers who offer migration tools for non-Parse environments:

alyssoncm commented 8 years ago

Have you checked this list?

seijiakiyama commented 8 years ago


mtrezza commented 8 years ago

@alyssoncm Yes. The list contains infrastructure providers to run an open-source Parse Server. It is not a list of commercial Parse-mBaaS providers, e.g.

alyssoncm commented 8 years ago

This list contains BaaS, PaaS, IaaS and other service providers.

mtrezza commented 8 years ago

@alyssoncm If there are mBaaS providers on the list then they should be removed from the wiki of Parse Server. Thanks for pointing this out.

alyssoncm commented 8 years ago


davimacedo commented 8 years ago

@mtrezza back{4}app is also an infrastructure provider to run open-source Parse Server. The difference is that back4app host not only the server or the database, but the complete solution. So the users are able to easily host their parse app with minimum effort, almost no changes in the frontend and without worrying about servers like it was in

davimacedo commented 8 years ago

Moreover the solutions in are also commercial and does not allow complete and easy hosting of all app like back{4}app does.

Knana commented 8 years ago

It doesn't seem like your solution is ready when you compare to providers like, for example, NodeChef ( I think when it's ready you should be added to the community links.

walhs commented 8 years ago


davimacedo commented 8 years ago

@knana back{4}app is actually the unique solution that allow completely and easy migration of existent parse apps and also the creation of new ones. More than 1K apps were migrated and are nicely running in our servers.

gfosco commented 8 years ago

Sure.. added the link to the wiki.