parsonsmatt / intero-neovim

A neovim plugin for Intero, forked from ghcmod-vim
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InteroOpen freezes on Windows #105

Closed dwaldhalm closed 7 years ago

dwaldhalm commented 7 years ago

:InteroOpen opens a new split as expected. It loads the relevant modules and leaves me with a ghci-looking prompt. After setting focus on the repl split and typing a or i (hoping to enter text into the repl), Neovim command line says "-- TERMINAL --" and then freezes.

parsonsmatt commented 7 years ago

That's weird. Does a normal :terminal window work on your system? What version of neovim are you running?

dwaldhalm commented 7 years ago

nvim --version NVIM v0.2.1-25-g2e3b78d1

No, :terminal doesn't work. It behaves as I described.

parsonsmatt commented 7 years ago

intero-neovim depends on Neovim's terminal support. If plain :terminal fails, then you'll want to file an issue with the neovim repository.

I'm going to close this issue as out-of-scope. When you get :terminal working, feel free to re-open if the problem still exists.

Thanks for reporting!