parsonsmatt / intero-neovim

A neovim plugin for Intero, forked from ghcmod-vim
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Incorrect type linting with default extensions #87

Closed lpil closed 7 years ago

lpil commented 7 years ago


Given the following package.yml

# ... more here...

- OverloadedStrings
- NoImplicitPrelude

And the following module

module Lib
  ( greet
  ) where

import Protolude

greet :: Text -> Text
greet name = "Hello, " <> name <> "!"

intero-neovim incorrectly detects the strings as [Char] instead of Text, highlighting them as a type error.

If I add the LANGUAGE prama to the file the type is correctly detected. Is it possible to have the type correctly detected while still using package.yaml's default-extensions instead of the prama in every file?

lpil commented 7 years ago

I now realise this was a problem with another plugin. Sorry! :)