parthasarathydNU / protein-data-nlq

GenoQuery is an innovative tool designed to streamline the process of querying genomic and biological data through a user-friendly chatbot interface.
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Dynamic Charts Generation #11

Open parthasarathydNU opened 3 weeks ago

parthasarathydNU commented 3 weeks ago

Steps to understand this issue:

  1. Read about Vega, which is a language to define visualizations Vega
  2. Check out Vega and Vega Lite Editor to explore how JSON is used to drive visualizations Vega Lite Editor Vega Editor
  3. Read about ChartLLM to understand Natural Language to Charting Definitions Paper, GitHub
  4. Check out the Chart to Plot project for a sample implementation of the feature we want built
  5. Json schema for Vega Charts:
  6. Add schema for vega lite as well ----