Open kalismeras61 opened 10 years ago
I've got the same problem with German keyboard layout on Windows (7/8/8.1), but it is not limited to the login dialog, I can't enter an "@" in the code section or the find/replace boxes either. The same goes for the backslash "\",
On the German layout "@" is typed as [AltGr] + [Q] and "\" as [AltGr] + [?] - on an English keyboard this is the "-" sign right next to the "0"-key. It also makes no difference if I use [AltGr] or [Alt] + [Ctrl], if I use a hardware keyboard or the Windows 8 on-screen keyboard.
On the other hand "|" (pipe), "{", "[", "]", "}", "~", "²", "³", "µ" and "€" do work, althought they are [AltGr] combinations too.
Could you check if those keys collide with build in shortcuts? It's possible by showing Key Binding Resolver from Command Palette (Cmd+Shift+P), press key combos and see if anything shows.
I found [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[q], which should produce "@" mapped to autoflow:reflow-selection, but I can't find a mapping for the combination, that should produce the backslash "\".
And while searching I saw several other pitfalls. There are several combinations with [command], but what key is this on a Windows keyboard? Since some of the default mappings include "{", "[", "]", "}", "/", ...characters and these keys are [AltGr] or other key combinations on the German keyboard, they become inaccessible as shortcuts (e.g. [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[{] would require to press [Alt]+[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Ctrl] - once to produce "{" and again as a part of the combo, which is not possible).
Hmmm so it looks like this is an Atom / Keymap package issue. We could ship with modified keymap.cson
which would remove those key bindings. What is the full name of your German keyboard so I could test it myself?
Thanks for your quick responses! I don't quite get what you mean with "full name of your German keyboard". It's any hardware keyboard I've tested, but the keyboard layout is the standard Windows kbd layout "German (Germany)" or "Deutsch (Deutschland)" - "German (Austria)"/"Deutsch (Österreich)" does the same.
If you use the on-screen keyboard (OSK.exe) of Windows you can even see where the special characters are located, when you press [AltGr] or [Alt]+[Ctrl] "([Strg] on German kbd)"
Those are the ones I was looking for :) I'll spin up Windows machine and try to figure this out.
Unfortunately this bug goes very deep inside Atom's core and can't be easly fixed...
For now I recommend:
)'.platform-win32 .editor'
'ctrl-alt-[': 'unset!'
This should enable \
Hi @suda, thanks for the tips. My @
is back now, but the backslash is still unavailable.
I tried to unset all ctrl-alt-[
combinations I could find in the keymap file, but still no success.
'.platform-win32 .editor'
'ctrl-alt-[': 'unset!'
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not(.mini)':
'ctrl-alt-[': 'unset!'
'ctrl-alt-[': 'unset!'
@ScruffR could you try replace unset!
with native!
@suda, I tried it, it but didn't change a thing :-(
Try this one:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not(.mini)':
'ctrl-alt-[': 'unset!'
Yeay, this worked!
Thanks :+1:
Great! It's not a permanent fix, so I'm not closing it yet
when click to spark which is the on the top menu ( spark cloud) i cant write "@" for e-mail address ctrl+alt doesn't work.