particle-iot / android-app

Spark Android App
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spark_token_creation_credentials Error #9

Open orlax opened 9 years ago

orlax commented 9 years ago

i have import the code from the master branch android app, added the smartconfiglib.jar but i am getting an error. this error is in this route: > AppConfig > AppConfig > getSparkTokenCreationCredentials

the error says :

spark_token_creation_credentials cannot be resolved or is not a field

have been looking everywhere and did not find any help. this is a vanilla import of the app, i have already been able to run it before on eclipse on windows. But this time on mac i have not been able to.

I apreciate any help.

ScruffR commented 9 years ago

Have you read point 4) in the "Building" section of the There you'd read

In the SparkCore app, create the file res/values/local_build.xml with the following contents:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <string name="spark_token_creation_credentials">spark:spark</string>