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Open Datasheet Errata #19

Open technobly opened 9 years ago

technobly commented 9 years ago

Datasheet errata will be added to this issue when found. Datasheets will be updated with the listed version after items are checked off. Some errata may persist between revisions, and they will be moved up to the next proposed revision.

E Series Datasheet (v002) - Not Released Yet

  • [ ] Mention the use of optional SPI FLASH and the associated GPIO dependencies.
  • [ ] Clarify on the use of the GND pads on the bottom
  • [ ] Mention operation in below 0C temperatures for LiPo batteries

Photon Datasheet (v016)

P1 Datasheet (v010)

P1 Datasheet (v009)

P1 Datasheet (v008)

When a ceramic capacitor is used at the input and the power is supplied by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the output can induce ringing at the input, VIN. At best, this ringing can couple to the output and be mistaken as loop instability. At worst, a sudden inrush of current through the long wires can potentially cause a voltage spike at VIN large enough to damage the part

Photon Datasheet (v015)

When a ceramic capacitor is used at the input and the power is supplied by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the output can induce ringing at the input, VIN. At best, this ringing can couple to the output and be mistaken as loop instability. At worst, a sudden inrush of current through the long wires can potentially cause a voltage spike at VIN large enough to damage the part

Electron Datasheet (v005)

P1 Datasheet (v007)

Electron Datasheet (v004)

Photon Datasheet (v014)

Electron Datasheet (v003)

P1 Datasheet (v006)

Electron Datasheet (v002)

Photon Datasheet (v013)

P1 Datasheet (v005)

Photon Datasheet (v012)

Photon Datasheet (v011)

Photon Datasheet (v010)

Photon Datasheet (v009)

Photon Datasheet (v008)

PØ Datasheet (v002) - Not Released Yet

P1 Datasheet (v004)

P1 Datasheet (v003)

P1 Datasheet (v002)

Community Updates

Update these threads when P1, PØ datasheets are released.

technobly commented 8 years ago

When I edit the main post such as right now, I will add a new comment here for visibility. I'm also updating all datasheets to point back to this known errata today.

technobly commented 8 years ago

Just changed this info in the P1 Datasheet Errata (SETUP -> RESET).


Pinout image 3, SETUP button pin is 34 (MICRO_RST_N), not 26.


Pinout image 3, RESET button pin is 34 (MICRO_RST_N), not 26.
technobly commented 8 years ago

Add electrical specification note for Photon/P1/Electron:

DAC output limits: min resistive load is 5k ohms, and max capacitive load is 50pF.
kennethlimcp commented 8 years ago

Electron - pinout pdf needs clarification -

technobly commented 8 years ago

Electron Datasheet Block Diagram error.

Rework block diagram to remove the dot-junction for VUSB and STM32F205, they are not connected. Only the two data lines are connected.

technobly commented 8 years ago

Changed requirement for update to BT COEX pins section:

Update BT COEX section with link to example of how to control as GPIO, or add a note as note supported. Remove reference to using BT COEX pins as GPIO, this is not currently practical.

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added an Electron Datasheet v003 list (some carried over from v002)

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added more info to:

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added to the Electron Datasheet v003 list:

monkbroc commented 8 years ago

Added to Electron Datasheet list: all 64kb of EEPROM page 2 is used

monkbroc commented 8 years ago

Added to Photon datasheet: rename device_id to device_code in DCT and add device_id

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added to the Electron Datasheet v003 list:

technobly commented 8 years ago

P1 Datasheet (v006) - released... other pending P1 changes slated for v007 now.

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added to:

P1 Datasheet (v007)

Photon Datasheet (v014)

Electron Datasheet (v003)

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added to Photon Datasheet (v014)

When a ceramic capacitor is used at the input and the power is supplied by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the output can induce ringing at the input, VIN. At best, this ringing can couple to the output and be mistaken as loop instability. At worst, a sudden inrush of current through the long wires can potentially cause a voltage spike at VIN large enough to damage the part

technobly commented 8 years ago

Added to Electron Datasheet (v003)

technobly commented 7 years ago

Pulled two changes into a separate release (v003), the rest are going into (v004):

Electron Datasheet (v003)

technobly commented 7 years ago

Electron Datasheet v003 has been released :)

technobly commented 7 years ago

Photon Datasheet (v014)

Electron Datasheet (v003)

and released!

technobly commented 7 years ago

Added item for P1 Datasheet v007 changes:

technobly commented 7 years ago

Added items for P1 Datasheet v007:

Added item for Photon Datasheet v015:

Added item for Electron Datasheet v004:

technobly commented 7 years ago

Bumped Electron Datasheet (v004) changes to (v005)


Electron Datasheet (v004)

technobly commented 7 years ago

Electron Datasheet (v004) Released!

technobly commented 7 years ago

Added todo item for all datasheets:

technobly commented 7 years ago

Added error for P1 datasheet:

kdhooper commented 7 years ago

The Richtek text in "Add warning about powering the Photon from long wires on USB and VIN" is a reference to Linear AN-88, but other than as a passing reference that topic seems to be out of scope for this datasheet...

technobly commented 7 years ago

@kdhooper thanks for the Linear AN-88 link, that's a nice reference. May I ask why you propose it is out of scope for this datasheet? (the Photon's, and P1's if using a similar SMPS as the Photon's)

kdhooper commented 7 years ago

This issue is not specific to the Richtek part and has more to do with the design of the entire product than the Photon itself.

technobly commented 7 years ago

@kdhooper we do have a product creator guide which might be the scope you are referring to, but many people will look at the datasheet before the rest of the docs. I will include some helpful text in the datasheet Power section about this for system integrators.

technobly commented 7 years ago

p1-datasheet-v008, photon-datasheet-v015 and electron-datasheet-v005 Released!

All known errata incorporated into datasheets :)

technobly commented 7 years ago

P1 Datasheet (v009) Released

monkbroc commented 6 years ago

Added note to reword the pricing statement at the top of the P1 datasheet

dmiddlecamp commented 6 years ago

E Series Datasheet:

technobly commented 6 years ago

Photon Datasheet (v016)

P1 Datasheet (v010)