particle-iot / spark-setup-ios

(DEPRECATED) Spark device setup library - Soft AP Cocoapod/Carthage lib for iOS
Apache License 2.0
19 stars 25 forks source link

'isAuthenticated' not found #43

Closed woxaixni closed 8 years ago

woxaixni commented 8 years ago

whenever it have "if ([SparkCloud sharedInstance].isAuthenticated)" throw me an error error /Users/VICE/Downloads/photon-tinker-ios-master/Pods/SparkSetup/Classes/UI/SparkGetReadyViewController.m:66:37: Property 'isAuthenticated' not found on object of type 'SparkCloud *'

also on SparkDiscoverDeviceViewController.m#430 [SparkCloud sharedInstance].isAuthenticated SparkSetupMainController.m#96 [SparkCloud sharedInstance].isAuthenticated sorry if I'm newbie. thanks running SDK ios9.2

idokleinman commented 8 years ago

This is WIP on the spark-sdk-ios repo, will be released soon along with documentation. be sure to use latest official release and not tip of the master branch.