particle-iot / xmastree

🎄 Happy Holidays from Particle 🎄
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Twinkle #6

Open Mohoganogan opened 6 years ago

Mohoganogan commented 6 years ago

How about one that is all green and then a single random led twinkles white then goes back to green to provide an old school simple look.

beriberikix commented 6 years ago

Great idea @Mohoganogan! We can see if someone has a extra time but pull requests are always welcome!

Mohoganogan commented 6 years ago

I ended up using this code for my tree:

Modified to use only one of the patterns.

`// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE. //


include "FastLED/FastLED.h"


if FASTLED_VERSION < 3001000

error "Requires FastLED 3.1 or later; check github for latest code."


define DATA_PIN D2

define CLOCK_PIN D1

define LED_TYPE WS2811


define NUM_LEDS 25




define MAX_ARGS 64

define ARRAY_SIZE(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof((A)[0]))

int lightsOn(String input); int lightsOff(String input); int toggleLights(String args); int setBright(String brightness); int twitterMention(String args); void addGlitter(NSFastLED::fract8 chanceOfGlitter);

// list of patterns to cycle through. each is defined as a separate function // below. typedef void (*SimplePatternList[])(); SimplePatternList gPatterns = {confetti}; //SimplePatternList gPatterns = {rainbow, rainbowWithGlitter, confetti, sinelon, juggle, bpm};

uint8_t gCurrentPatternNumber = 0; // Index number of which pattern is current uint8_t gHue = 0; // rotating "base color" used by many of the patterns

void setup() { // Publishing particle functions and vars. FastLED.addLeds<APA102, DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS); Particle.function("lightsOn", lightsOn); Particle.function("lightsOff", lightsOff); Particle.function("toggleLights", toggleLights); Particle.function("brightness", setBright); Particle.function("tweet", tweet); Particle.function("twitMention", twitterMention); delay(3000); // 3 second delay for recovery

// FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE, DATA_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);

// set master brightness control FastLED.setBrightness(BRIGHTNESS); }

bool mentioned = false; bool lightState = true; bool currentState = true; int lightBrightness = 100;

String onMessages[] = {"Lighting it up for Christmas!", "Let's get LIT!", "HO HO HO!, It's Christmas Time!", "Christmas Tree, OH Christmas ME!", "My lights are brightly shining!"};

String offMessages[] = {"No more xmas.. FOR NOW!?", "I'm going to sleep. ZZzz...ZZzzz..", "O-Holy-Night!", "Going away. I'll be home for Christmas"};

void loop() { // main loop if (currentState != lightState) { lightState = currentState; }

if (lightState == true) { // Call the current pattern function once, updating the 'leds' array gPatterns[gCurrentPatternNumber]();

// send the 'leds' array out to the actual LED strip;
// insert a delay to keep the framerate modest
FastLED.delay(1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND);

// do some periodic updates
// slowly cycle the "base color" through the rainbow
    if (mentioned) {
        // Blink the tree lights 5 times if mentioned on twitter
        for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
        mentioned = false;

// change patterns periodically

} }

// Particle functions. // Per the docs, hese functions HAVE to return an int // and accept a String as a parameter. int tweet(String msg) { Particle.publish("sendTweet", msg, 60, PRIVATE); return 0; }

int setBright(String brightness) { lightBrightness = brightness.toInt(); FastLED.setBrightness(lightBrightness); return 0; }

int toggleLights(String args) { int index = args.toInt(); int value; char szArgs[MAX_ARGS];

args.toCharArray(szArgs, MAX_ARGS);

sscanf(szArgs, "%d=%d", &index, &value);

if (value == 1) { lightsOn(""); } else if (value == 0) { lightsOff(""); } return 1; }

int lightsOn(String input) { currentState = true;;

int size = sizeof(onMessages) / sizeof(onMessages[0]); String msg = onMessages[random(0, size)]; tweet(msg);

return 0; }

int lightsOff(String input) { currentState = false; FastLED.clear();;

int size = sizeof(offMessages) / sizeof(offMessages[0]); String msg = offMessages[random(0, size)]; tweet(msg);

return 0; }

int twitterMention(String args) { mentioned = true; String message = args + ", Thanks for the mention!"; tweet(message); return 0; }

// Light and pattern functions void nextPattern() { // add one to the current pattern number, and wrap around at the end gCurrentPatternNumber = (gCurrentPatternNumber + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(gPatterns); }

void rainbow() { // FastLED's built-in rainbow generator fill_rainbow(leds, NUM_LEDS, gHue, 7); }

void addGlitter(NSFastLED::fract8 chanceOfGlitter) { if (random8() < chanceOfGlitter) { leds[random16(NUM_LEDS)] += CRGB::White; } }

void rainbowWithGlitter() { // built-in FastLED rainbow, plus some random sparkly glitter rainbow(); addGlitter(80); }

void confetti() { // random colored speckles that blink in and fade smoothly fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 10); int pos = random16(NUM_LEDS); leds[pos] += CHSV(gHue + random8(64), 200, 255); }

void sinelon() { // a colored dot sweeping back and forth, with fading trails fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 20); int pos = beatsin16(13, 0, NUM_LEDS); leds[pos] += CHSV(gHue, 255, 192); }

void bpm() { // colored stripes pulsing at a defined Beats-Per-Minute (BPM) uint8_t BeatsPerMinute = 62; CRGBPalette16 palette = PartyColors_p; uint8_t beat = beatsin8(BeatsPerMinute, 64, 255); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { // 9948 leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(palette, gHue + (i 2), beat - gHue + (i 10)); } }

void juggle() { // eight colored dots, weaving in and out of sync with each other fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 20); byte dothue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { leds[beatsin16(i + 7, 0, NUM_LEDS)] |= CHSV(dothue, 200, 255); dothue += 32; } }
