partkeepr / PartKeepr

Open Source Inventory Management
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.37k stars 397 forks source link

About the future #1239

Open Germwalker opened 2 years ago

Germwalker commented 2 years ago


First I would like to thank Felicia. She did a wonderful job for 10 years building this tool.

[Partkeepr as of 1.4.0]

As we can all see, this project is dead and stuck in Symphony 2.

The docker image is fully working but as some users pointed out, this leads to security issues and any feature request can be easily implemented. Octopart support is now also dead as Altium's API is very expensive.

Some users tried to move to Symphony 3 (which is outdated too) without any relevant success as a lot of things must be rewritten. This rewritten things would of course need to be rewritten again while updating to a newer version of Symphony.

I guess this project is stuck because of the legacy technology : as the 2 years not merged PR shows, writing old PHP / Symphony code is a rare and niche talent that few of us have.

[Why not re-writing ?]

Back in time when this project started, server side JavaScript didn't exist. Now building a web based app with database management schema like Partkeepr is a lot easier with Node.js.

If some of you are interested (and have some knowledge in Javascript), maybe it's time to start a full rewriting with a newer, easier and maintained technology.

mikewillems commented 2 years ago

Echoing the thanks to Felicia!

Having built some homebrew solutions for this in the past, wanted to offer help in reimplementation efforts. Anyone else game for this?

Germwalker commented 2 years ago

I've made some research and asked few friends (pro web dev) about the best technology for a reimplementation. As for me a solution based on nuxt.js / node.js / mysql could work : nuxt (vue.js metaframework) make things easy for the frontend (and there is a lot of documentation too) and node can make the link between the database and the frontend.

We would need to copy the database tree.

I'll try to make a quick graphic demonstrator if I have some band pass.

Any folk interested in a javascript reimplementation, manifest yourself here.

Forceu commented 2 years ago

I have quite a lot of experience with Go, which I believe would be an even better choice for the backend. The backend shouldn't take too much time, I guess the UI would take a lot of work to create if it is being rewritten.

rwslippey commented 2 years ago

I'm a relatively new programmer.... okay so I've really been on/off for like 10 years and never really progressed much but I'm starting to really gain interest in React, NoSQL, docker, and Python (including Flask... never did much with Django). I haven't dug into node much but I'm willing to learn and would be interested in helping get this project going again. I don't know how much help I might be, I may just get in the way, but if this gains any traction, please let me know. I'd love to help. And echoing above, I never had a need for PartKeepr but knew it existed and finally had a need and knew right where to go.... it's a well known project, great job to all the hard work the dev team put in here.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Hello to you all, guys. I just wanted to keep you posted on the most recent status and thoughts we were having.

First, it is nice to hear that there are at least some folks out there that are willing to help with the problem. From your posts, I see at least experience in NodeJS, Go, and Python. That is good! It is also good that there are still users interested in the project. That means it is not dead. Currently, the development has stalled.

There were a few internal discussions going on how to proceed. Let me give you an overview.

Update by external resources

We had the idea to use a crowdfunding project to collect some money and let a pro do the Symfon 2 -> Symfony 5 migration. We had contacted a pro developer and have already a first quote that might be manageable if a few dozen people participated. We are also trying to get a second offer at least for comparison.

Once we have them, we wanted to reach out to you as a community but also to other communities in the hacker scene hoping to raise the required funds. This would mean a bigger PR campaign that would be needed.

The problem here is that we do not have a clear communication strategy for the community in general: The IRC channel is mostly empty (only a few people are there hanging around). In the google list, there are around 150 members. I suspect there are many more users out there that might benefit from installing and be willing to help.

If you have any good ideas on how to mobilize as many users as possible, feel free to speak up.

Discussions about rewriting

We also thought about what could be done to

  1. bring the project into a running state again
  2. ensure future management is easy
  3. allow future enhancements and extensions
  4. while keeping the huge work made by Felicia as best as possible.

One thing to identify is that the frontend (what you see in the browser) and the backend (the connection between HTTP and the database) are in fact separate projects/issues.

Felicia has defined a common interface between those two that is working great at the moment. This does not mean we have to stick completely with it. Adoptions/corrections/additions might be needed once development progresses. But I'd rather avoid building a complete architecture from scratch. That means we should stick for now with the API designed by Felicita.

Frontend update

As mentioned earlier, one could think of updating the frontend with some other framework. The currently used Ext.js might or might not be "the best" solution. There are for sure alternatives like VueJS/Nuxt.JS that might be more modern. Also, one could think of updating the building environment to e.g. webpack (or vite in case of Vue).

When looking at the most pressing problems, the Frontend seems mostly unconcerned as far as I see it. As long as we keep it consistent with the defined API, any updates can be done and even a parallel (call it modern) frontend might be possible.

Backend update

Here comes the big issue at the moment. We all agree that the current Symfony 2 is too outdated to be maintained anymore. Nothing is going around that. We know it.

The update of three Symfony versions is hard for a newcomer. This is especially true, as some backward-incompatible changes were introduced and the old documentation is only partially available nowadays anymore. So, you need, simply speaking, an expert in the field that knows the bells and whistles that can be used there.

If the update was not possible (lacking manpower and no intention to use external resources, see above), we have to think of replacing the backend. I am not telling you to rewrite from scratch. I am telling that the shiny new backend would have two interfaces to comply with: The database (including its current structure) and the API towards the frontend. If we managed to get this running, we could drag&drop replace the current backend with something else. If we do that we can migrate easily and even do a parallel mode similar to the frontend.

This "something else" might be written in different languages: NodeJS, Go, Python, Java, Brainfuck, or even PHP with Symfony 5 :smile:. Which language to use is (at least partly) not a trivial decision. Some languages are better suited, some are worse. The most pressing thing here is: We want to avoid focusing on one person that might drop out for whatever reason and let the same effect happen again we are facing at the moment. For example, if we have only one Java developer, that would be a rather bad choice.

I had recently a video call from a company from Germany that was intending to hack a bit on the database of Partkeepr. They wanted to have some information and were not aware that it was possible to replace the backend as I just presented. As they have experience with Python Django, they are intending to build their own backend for their needs. If we could use a cooperation partner as a bigger player like a company (in contrast to free-time contributors), I think that would be beneficial as the timing requirements are completely different.

Before you get too excited that you might get your favorite language (which you invited during your studies of computer science or learned somewhere else): If we decide to change the language, a few considerations must be passed! Here is an incomplete list of what comes directly to my mind:

You see, this is only possible with probably a group of developers that are committing themselves to the project in the long term. There needs enough experience to overcome some shortages. At the beginning of the rewrite huge amount of code need to be written and tested. So, to those of you, who are crying out for a complete rewrite: Are you willing to take this responsibility? Are you committing personally your time to the project? Are you willing to offer your free time for the next months or even years to the project? Can you promise there are no upcoming changes in your life? If you say full-hearted "yes" to all these questions, you are probably ready to take the responsibility of a public open-source project, possibly the rewrite of PartKeepr. If you are not sure, you might be better off in a community that is working together and cooperating towards a common goal. You are very welcome with suggestions, PRs, comments, testing, and anything else you can help with. I do not want to demoralize you all. I just want to tell you what it takes to make such a project. Felicita will be able to tell you a story about it. Even though she is strong, in the end, she was no longer able to support the project for different reasons. I just want to advise you in good faith and without offense to not waste your time when you are not sure you can make it.

How do we go on from here?

I highly recommend that we do not start to split up our community even further and have different versions of the backend running with different frameworks/languages/... This will not help the project at all. We are all looking for a solution fitting best to ourselves, but I think it absolutely essential that we try to work towards a common solution.

On the way there we need some objective way to decide what is good or not. Statements like "xxx is best" or "xxx is best because everyone uses it" do us no good in this discussion. We need hard facts. I have my personal preferences as well but for the sake of the project I am willing to participate in an open discussion about what options do we have.

Also if such a discussion starts, I would like to take the complete community into account. Maybe there are some hidden talents that could be used?

Call for action

  1. Do you know of any non-official channels to reach as many users of Partkeepr as possible? Please send your ideas.
  2. Do you know of any developers willing to help on the project? Send them here!
  3. Fill in this form if you are willing to help. It is a survey regarding possible experiences.
Forceu commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for the response! As said above, I think for the backend Go would be the best choice:

The biggest disadvantage is however that there are probably a lot less people to program in Go - as you said you need to reach more than a couple of people in order to rewrite and maintain the project. Also Go binaries tend to be a little bit larger, I assume for this project they would be around 30-50MB uncompressed, which is the drawback of not requiring any dependencies. Also it would not possible to host Partkeepr on hosts anymore that only support PHP/mysql and are normally a little bit cheaper/userfriendly than a VPS instance.

*if no C code is included, which might be required to support sqlite3

dromer commented 2 years ago

Hey All!

Endless apologies for the lack of organization and communication the past 2 years.

I had sort of "inherited" the project with admin access to this repository from @Drachenkaetzchen Even though I've always, at this point almost a decade - sjeesh - been just a "power user" running several "custom" setups. I've never been at all a developer of the project and code-base.

Together with @christianlupus (thnx for the long post Chris! I fully agree to all points you made) and some other community "power user" members we initially got some work done to organize the project with some minimal improvements, mostly on the Issue tracking and CI side of things. Getting some bugfixes merged, etc.

Of course then the pandemic hit and everybody their lives where turned upside down. (I personally got pulled into a completely different project doing python/puredata/c/c++) However none of us are devs of the project and thus progress on pretty much all the things related to Partkeepr got stalled.

So here we are.

What can we do to keep this project alive?

Do we keep brute-forcing dependency upgrades as in and ? Or first try to merge as much of as we can?

We can also try to find a way to replace the backend of the project on top of the current DB schema, but then the question is also if we should focus on "emulating" the current API?

If we're going to replace the stack, then I would actually prefer to move towards an OpenAPI Spec so that we can at least build in interoperability from the start. And alternate frontends could be created then too. However the current UI and API is so feature-complete. I don't know how easily we could instead have the current FE/ext.js converted to another API interface. Some better, interoperable, separation between the two would certainly be a win I think.

Personally I'm coming from mostly a Python (and Lua/OpenResty/Nginx) background and can't help support any PHP, Node or Go development. However I can of course help with testing, time permitting. For me I would then lean towards a framework like FastAPI. It implements the OpenAPI stack, simple, fast, with extensive typing and self-documenting. Anyone that wants to help with that hit me up.

Any suggestions on how to organize this are welcome. I'm certainly willing to add some more people access to the repository, to organize issues, and we can add some more projects to track things:

Also come on IRC just to chat with other users if you want. Should be possible to add a matrix bridge as well. We're with a ton of users and there is nothing out there like PK so I really hope we can keep the project alive.

[Edit: I've pinned the topic. Maybe we should move this towards a "discussion" format. What do you think?]

dromer commented 2 years ago

@Forceu I really appreciate Go projects like Gitea btw! Single distributable binary that just contains pretty much everything you need.

dromer commented 2 years ago

Hmm, since the spec is based on Hydra, maybe converting the API to (Python3/Flask/Sqlalchemy based) might be the easiest, for the Python heads?

The idea of having PartKeepr with semantic web capabilities is interesting. Imagine being able to link different "departments" or "communities" with access to certain parts of the api. RDF based specs are sometimes a bit hard to read, but it can be damn useful in distributed resources on the internet.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 2 years ago

Please note that the frontend relies on entity information generated by the backend. The API and DB Schema are also generated by the entity information. The idea was to have one specific place where to define how an object looks like and how it's relations are - which are the entities. Everything else is derived from that.

I strongly advice against replacing the backend. If you want to do that, you basically need to re-write everything. PartKeepr was designed to allow filtering and sorting for every field and every relation, and there are no comparable projects that I know of.

I also disagree that PartKeepr should be re-written in a "faster" language. The demo system on runs on a low-end VM with little memory, and it's still fast despite the amount of data. If you need something faster it'll come at the cost of dropping the generic query system which can filter and sort everything, and you need to start to use indexes. A "faster" programming language won't help. A PartKeepr installation isn't used by thousands of users simultaneously.

The project took me 6 years to get it to the state where I considered it somewhat feature-complete for my requirements, and I did it with a clear vision what it should do and how it should do it. Replacing the backend or the frontend will easily get you over these 6 years I spent on that.

What this project needs is people willing to dig into the existing code, understand what it does, and go on from there.

Forceu commented 2 years ago

@Drachenkaetzchen Thanks a lot for your insight and of course a big thanks for this great project! It has helped me a lot to organise all my electronics. You are right, the language does not have to be fast, and the search is indeed very convenient and quick. In the end I think you are right that a rewrite will take a lot of effort and it would be more efficient to update deprecated parts of the code.

Out of interest, why not use indexes?

Drachenkaetzchen commented 2 years ago

Out of interest, why not use indexes?

You can't have an index for every field combination a user potentially wants to search.

Forceu commented 2 years ago

This might be becoming off-topic now, but couldn't you use a word-list? Basically for every unique word in any category there is an entry that links to the item IDs - that way you would have a very fast search and can have custom categories as well.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 2 years ago

This might be becoming off-topic now, but couldn't you use a word-list? Basically for every unique word in any category there is an entry that links to the item IDs - that way you would have a very fast search and can have a custom categories as well.

I never had the need for that. PartKeepr's search speed was always fast enough. Let me quote myself:

If you need something faster it'll come at the cost of dropping the generic query system which can filter and sort everything, and you need to start to use indexes.

How you would do it in this hypothetical scenario is then up to you.

mikewillems commented 2 years ago

The last time I implemented something like this homebrew I actually used google sheets as a backend, but they removed part of their scripts API for that.

Ever heard of Joplin? It's written on electron in js/ts and syncs to whatever db you set. I really like the idea of making this db agnostic to a degree and allowing users to host their data however they want as long as there's a plugin / parser between our API and whatever storage.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 1:49 PM Felicia Hummel @.***> wrote:

This might be becoming off-topic now, but couldn't you use a word-list? Basically for every unique word in any category there is an entry that links to the item IDs - that way you would have a very fast search and can have a custom categories as well.

I never had the need for that. PartKeepr's search speed was always fast enough. Let me quote myself:

If you need something faster it'll come at the cost of dropping the generic query system which can filter and sort everything, and you need to start to use indexes.

How you would do it in this hypothetical scenario is then up to you.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

Drachenkaetzchen commented 2 years ago

This might be becoming off-topic now, but couldn't you use a word-list? Basically for every unique word in any category there is an entry that links to the item IDs - that way you would have a very fast search and can have custom categories as well.

And in the case of "give me all resistors with a resistance > 400 and resistance < 500 in the package 0603" a word list won't do.


Forceu commented 2 years ago

Yes, that makes sense. I did not realise that was possible with Partkeepr.

Forceu commented 2 years ago

The last time I implemented something like this homebrew I actually used google sheets as a backend, but they removed part of their scripts API for that.

Ever heard of Joplin? It's written on electron in js/ts and syncs to whatever db you set. I really like the idea of making this db agnostic to a degree and allowing users to host their data however they want as long as there's a plugin / parser between our API and whatever storage.

Partkeepr should have its own independent database, I don't think it would make sense to use a 3rd party database.

dromer commented 2 years ago

Modern PHP is actually quite fast. Getting current PK codebase to that modern state though .. needs some many months of dedicated work and I'd rather see a team than a single person take on such a role.

However, even if we outsource/crowdfund such an endeavor we would still end up with a highly complex code-base that nobody can, or wants to maintain. What we want is a sustainable long-term solution for the project. One that meets business compliant practices (latest security patches and proper SSO/ACL).

I'm willing to donate 3-figures to have someone, or a team, work on something like this. But how do we make sure that there is a core team that will do all the required maintenance and upkeep?

ikcalB commented 2 years ago


ping to follow progress. not mainly a web dev, can help with testing / small bug fixes though!

mindsolve commented 2 years ago

Even though I am just a hobbyist user, I believe PartKeepr has a future and would be willing to donate ~1000€ for a continued/restarted development effort (or smaller regular amounts). I sincerely believe PartKeepr deserves it.

But how do we make sure that there is a core team that will do all the required maintenance and upkeep?

That is also my biggest concern. Though hopefully by moving to a current technology stack, there is a larger pool of people with that kind of experience, reducing the complexity of finding a developer.

Germwalker commented 2 years ago

I agree that funding to support at least the latest version of symphony is mandatory and could represent the least expensive (money, time) option. We first need to find a web develloper that will accept the deal and gives us an estimate in hours.

We will then need to raise the funds.

To everyone here interested in funding, tell us how much you can give the project for a full symphony 6 upgrade.

I'll be giving ~50€.

mmabln commented 2 years ago

I am also a hobbyist and currently looking for a part database. I looked on many free and even commercial products, but partkeepr (even in its current state) is exactly what I am looking for and would be my choice #1.

Most probably I will start using it for my home use, hopefully there are not too many bugs I have to deal with (I can correct small ones as I have some experience with php / python / c, but I am far away from being a real developer as I took the admin road in IT business).

However, I would like to see this project being renovated / resurrected. I would be willing to donate also ~50 EUR, which isn't too much when you have a look on commercial solutions with monthly subscription fees.

Thanks for the great work so far.

ikcalB commented 2 years ago

I've no experience which platform gets the most traffic from web devs - maybe someone else can chime in and set up a bounty?

I'm in with 250EUR myself.

Tak-MK commented 2 years ago

I wouldn't mind to donate money either to upgrade this project since most of the alternatives I found don't suite my needs...

Forceu commented 2 years ago

I would donate 100 Euros as well. It would be a good idea to setup a proper bounty. I found which seems good, but they do have a 10% fee for cashing out.

ikcalB commented 2 years ago

@Forceu do you think, that percentage is worth the extra attention we cold gain? (I'm not sure, but inclined to rather loose 10% than nothing happening)

@christianlupus do you mind to weigh in on this one?

Forceu commented 2 years ago

The 10% is for the amount when the bounty gets awarded. Personally I thought 10% is quite a lot, but I also do not know if there are better alternatives.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Hello and sorry for the delayed answer. I was on a business trip recently and did not find a way to get online.

I am not sure if a bounty on the issue will get the required attraction of a pro (which I suspect we need). Let us go the other way around and collect the money (as a first guess) to acquire a programmer capable of solving the issue. Then, we could use a crowdfunding portal (like Kickstarter etc) to collect a predefined amount of money and have a clear responsible person for the task at hand.

Which portal is a good choice, I have no clue yet. I would have to do some research on my own. I think I once had a list but I have to refind it.

In general, I would be willing to insert the project with something like 150 to 250 €.

SANCLA commented 2 years ago

+1 to follow this topic. Not really a programmer but perhaps I can be of use in other areas. Pitching in with EUR 100,-- or recurring monthly with a slightly lower amount

[edit] On second thought, this tool could potentially be very, very usefull for hacker- and makerspaces. They often have large and diverse electronic stocks and these communities have the kind of contributers that could be beneficial to this project. With a slight adaption to their needs, it could also make this project sustainable in the long run...

adlerweb commented 2 years ago

Partkeepr should have its own independent database, I don't think it would make sense to use a 3rd party database. Yes, however most frameworks have pretty good abstraction nowadays, so at least "standard" cloud databases should work if someone wants to use them.

we would still end up with a highly complex code-base that nobody can, or wants to maintain.

Well, it is a fairly complex software - the code will always be rather complex. I think outdated/not widespread/not really documented code is currently a larger problem than sheer complexity.

I think it's hard to get people to fund if no goal is known. Before starting a PR train for funding there should be at least an idea what it is for and what order of magnitude has to be collected. Pitching a few hundred dollars to some poor person on $insertFreelancerSite to somehow update Symfony to get somehow started is something else than searching for a multi-hundred-thousand-dollar developer team to more or less rewrite everything with proper tests, docs and other bells and whistles.

dabeegmon commented 2 years ago

I would like to help in the updating by I have not ever programmed anything. Would be interested in helping write docs and testing and in trying things to check its function but that would be the end of my abilities. Time - - - I have precious little but if there is something that is actually alive - - - I can make some - - not lots but some. One concern - - - if a high powered (likely also high $$$) team is implemented then you're going to lose what makes Partkeepr great. You don't have to break the bank to try and manage inventory. Presently most of what I find is expensive and not very flexible. The beauty of open source is that it tends to be more flexible. If Partkeepr moves to something like a subscription - - - well then I would roll something that would be just a hack but that would help me keep track of what I have/want/need but I just don't have the funds to drop 4 to 500 Euros a year for something that is a struggle to use. It seems that Symphony is a very very fast moving environment - - - - might it be possible to move things to an environment that doesn't do major upgrades every 18 months? (This may be a dumb question but when I first connected it was Symphony 3 just deprecated and now its 6 and I'd bet that Symphony 7 is right around the corner - - - - that's a lot of changes in 5 years (or so!).) HTH

jgriessen commented 2 years ago

Hi, This discussion reminds me of FOSS projects are almost always having a low number of developers and how to "find some quick" for hire is not the usual story. There is a project with just one main developer and many testers that do the testing grunt work for him. It's related -- electronics design schematic, layout, and file format translation between other bigger projects like Kicad and proprietary like altium, etc. The developer is Tibor Palinkas of Hungary -- he might take this on and the Linux Foundation might fund it so it could become a part of the suite of tools Tibor develops for elctr. design. It's not easy to find developers -- they usually come from a need/want of their own and not lots of money to spend. If Partkeepr became part of that ecosystem, some of the other side devs might help with plugins or testing, but for the GUI, Tibor would blow away the Symphony dependency and make database hooks for the usual strong third party db's. He'd recode the rest in C. That kind of thing keeps the number of interested supporters high. He would probably be able to get it in good shape usable in 2 years with Linux Foundation help supported by donations already mentioned of about $5k. I'd contribute $200 to start and more as it progresses in usability. Here's Tibor's pcb layout project site: pcb-rnd is mature and works very well -- aimed at people who use scripting rather than clicky everything. as schematic editing tool is well under way called cschem: Here he talks about related FOSS EDA tools, not done by him: and overall wiki article:

Supporting him could get an easy to maintain tool in a couple years. It could survive losing him after it is done because the code is based on few dependencies, C code that many many know how to do, and clear comments and docs created by his tester helpers.

John Griessen pcb-rnd user for 6 years.

bradgass commented 2 years ago

I'm onboard with both an initial donation to fund (re)development, and in ongoing smaller donations to continue maintenance and development. I'm also willing to help with testing and install or end-user documentation. As for my needs, my interest is in local, on-site installations only - not cloud based projects, or SaaS offerings. I'm also in agreement with SANCLA above, I currently use Partkeepr for keeping track of component-level parts as well as entire products and assemblies of all sizes. It's been incredibly useful, and I will probably expand into using it to track some tooling too.

dromer commented 2 years ago

for the GUI, Tibor would blow away the Symphony dependency and make database hooks for the usual strong third party db's.

The GUI doesn't depend on symfony, the backend does. Also please read what @Drachenkaetzchen said about how the search is implemented and how it requires a specific type of lookup to be as efficient and extensive.

He'd recode the rest in C. That kind of thing keeps the number of interested supporters high.

How? can you name any other web-application CMS-like back-ends written in C that have big support? I can't think of a single one.

I very much agree to finding a project/effort/group that can take over (and possibly integrate!) with Partkeepr, it's a good suggestion in that regard. However the technical reasons you describe don't make much sense to me.

For all current users of Partkeepr (and there are apparently a lot of them) it is extremely important that at least the following usability goals are met:

jgriessen commented 2 years ago

On 5/28/22 06:21, dreamer wrote:

I very much agree to finding a project/effort/group that can take over (and possibly integrate!) with Partkeepr, it's a good suggestion in that regard. However the technical reasons you describe don't make much sense to me.


I'm not a db coder, so maybe I said something wrong about why, but if Tibor does it it will be in C, that's how he rolls. Whether others like C or not, because he likes C. If he adopts something he puts in hundreds of hours and is the main dev, and gives orders, not talk for months, and then gets fine usable code with better than usual FOSS documentation in a year. Finding someon like him gets results -- talking about favorite prog langs to do it in just diffuses into nothingness.

-- John Griessen -- building lab gear for biologists

JackPala commented 2 years ago

I think it would be incredible to have this software updated. It is literally the perfect inventory management system - and if the security updates could be patched out it would be amazing. Does anyone have any use for someone who works with Go or Rust? I don't do much PHP and I know this is a PHP project but if there's a group forming I'd be happy to help any way I can!

DavidJRobertson commented 2 years ago

It's very seldom worthwhile to do a complete rewrite/language change on a large software project.

Germwalker commented 2 years ago

As Partkeepr is WORKING well for years, at least we must focus (money or dev time) on the backend update (the frontend is old but it's working anyway) because there are few security issues that needs to be adressed. If this issues represent a problem now it will become a larger one in few years. I want to use partkeepr but i don't want it to be a black hole in my network.

Maybe we can first make an audit to find security issues then setup a bounty for each one of them ?

Merging the years back of PR could be a first try.

tlaepple commented 2 years ago

I would contribute with an initial donation and ongoing smaller donations later... As we have several thousand parts in PartKeepr; it's quite essential for us to keep it

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Hello to all contributors here. I made a survey recently to track all the requirements and options we might or might not have. In general, when you read this post, you see there are very different opinions and assumptions involved and most discussion is based on personal knowledge and guessing. To get a bit more information, this survey should provide a bit more hard facts. We want to know about your current installation(s), your administrative knowledge, and your hardware and software options.

The survey URL is I guess, the survey will take roughly 10 to 15 minutes or a bit more if you write really much in the free-text fields. If you are managing multiple instances, we would kindly ask you to take the survey multiple times, once per instance.

We will let the survey open until June 26th 2022 for participants unless there are valid reasons for an extension of the time range. If you find an important reason to postpone the closing, please contact us.

I originally posted on the google user group to ask for participants. The message can be seen in the web-based group publicly.

I have to confess, that I missed sending this message out to you. It seems I forgot to click on Comment. Sorry for that and the shortened time span to participate.

vmw commented 2 years ago


We are an organization that does use partkeepr. I've discussed this within the organization, and we're prepared to commit resources towards maintaining this, as it does solve a number of issues for us.

The biggest challenge, internally, for us is performance related - we use this for a number of projects, and it's gotten to be unreasonably slow.

We are prepared to either contribute financially or else help support the management, of the modernization of this program. However, prior to doing so, we're deeply interested in whether there are other organizations that are also willing to contribute money or the time to fully port all the existing features.

As an example, we would tremendously value the ability to migrate our component libraries or reports from the current version to the future version, but we also appreciate the extra work required to support this.

To this end, if there are other enterprise users of this software, who are also interested in contributing, please let me know as it might be a lot faster and more economical to share the effort among a small number of enterprise users vs. a larger number of volunteers.

This would also impact the direction we're taking: At present time, because partkeepr is a strictly internal resource, we're considering just forking the project and spending out internal resources to address the performance issues we're seeing, but I also realize that this might mean that a large part of the community never realistically would benefit from this.

For ball park estimates, we've internally budgeted around 6 weeks of internal product management (~5k) and an additional 3k for an external contractors to address the performance issues with the current version of partkeepr.

We've internally estimated that migrating the entire code base, or starting from scratch, would likely cost around 30-40k, and take around 6-8 months.

The above figures should be viewed with skepticism, but hopefully provide the community with a starting point for discussion.

In either event, we're happy to support the community best we can.

dromer commented 2 years ago

Lets keep this thread clean about the future of the project. Please leave bug reports or issues in separate issue tickets or discussion threads!

vmw commented 2 years ago

Hello to all contributors here. I made a survey recently to track all the requirements and options we might or might not have. In general, when you read this post, you see there are very different opinions and assumptions involved and most discussion is based on personal knowledge and guessing. To get a bit more information, this survey should provide a bit more hard facts. We want to know about your current installation(s), your administrative knowledge, and your hardware and software options.

I've asked our actual internal users to fill in the survey, but if you do get any reach out from enterprise organizations, it might be worth reaching out to see whether they are interested in collaborating on this, as discussed above.

vmw commented 2 years ago

One more thought: If the idea is to completely re-port the functionality of partkeepr, to a new language, I'd like to suggest bringing these efforts under the umbrella of an existing EDA program, like kicad. I have no idea whether they would be receptive to this, but, if successful, it might allow a larger organization to simultaneously benefit and support, this effort.

Lopo commented 2 years ago

I searched for electro part management system some time ago, and found PartKeepr ... but get it running seemed almost impossible and project allone seemed almost abandoned ... so I decided to rewrite it in more modern state before using it. After some research and few tests and experiments, I started from scratch (as new project, called Limas) with SF6.1 (last stable), ExtJS7.0CE (last free/CE), Api-platform/core, JWT as auth system ... and now, after maybe 1-2 months of coding in my free time, I have working some parts and it's still easer and easer to port rest of the system. Maybe 1-2 more month, and wille be ussable fo me (or, more precisely, ported and base tested most of PK code) :D I'm using as much as possible of the existing code/algorithms, so result should be easy replacement. So it should be easy to create script, that as one of the last install steps imports data from running PartKeepr, or maybe will be able to directly run on the existing DB. So I'll publish it soon ;) Or is somewhere another better fork/refactoring version ?

Sorry writing it right now ... just had no time and reason to go here after I started Limas, so I missed whole discussion and the poll.

And sorry for my english ;)

dromer commented 2 years ago

@Lopo wow. are you saying your DB schema and frontend are nearly the same as PK? And you implemented all of the backend code on top of symfony6.1? (more or less. I suppose you only used some architecture the same but wrote many things from scratch). How feature complete is it compared to "classic" PK?

Your project may be the "major refactor" we are looking for? Please keep us updated.

PS: over on IRC we've been posing some ideas on how we can organize the different ideas raised in this topic. It may make sense to instead open separate topics in the discussions tab and continue the separate ideas there.

If people want to take "ownership" of certain proposals we can give some moderator rights, maybe also to the projects tab, so things can be worked out further.

Any takers and/or suggestions? :)

JohanBraeken commented 2 years ago

I see a lot of interest in reviving this project, which makes me happy. Although, I'm not a developer myself, I'm willing to contribute by writing documentation/manuals/translations/how-to's.

Lopo commented 2 years ago

@dromer Base (hardest) work is now already done. Now working on tests and fixing some things, that I missed/forgot to port or not working as they should. Frontend is the same (just using ExtJS 7.0.0 + few fixes instead of 6.2.0), DB almost the same (not using FOS bundles, so just 1 users table and so on ...) Features should be the same (for now), i have some plans what to add (for example better security, roles usage)

Of course some functionallities are not working for now:

Install script is only for new install, plan is to create script (console cmd) for import PK DB, that can be used as part of the install

Drachenkaetzchen commented 2 years ago
  • Patreon - should I create account ?

I want to pass the Patreon account to the PartKeepr organization at some point. Right now it's still paying to me as I'm also hosting the website, demo system and domain. I'd also want to transfer the domain at some point, but the website/demo system hosting would need to configured from scratch.

The patreon backend side which lives on the PartKeepr homepage, the code for it is not yet public. I pushed the repo to GitHub as a private repo (called pksaas), @dromer you may also add others to the repository to check the code.

  • TipOfTheDay - tied to original PK domain for now

Same as above.

  • logo - for now using original PK resources, just favicon is new

I can provide the original inkscape SVG file if required.