partkeepr / PartKeepr

Open Source Inventory Management
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Survey on the current user base - please participate #1241

Open christianlupus opened 2 years ago

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Dear users of PartKeepr,

there is a discussion in #1239 running if the main components of PartKeepr should be reimplemented in another language or from scratch with a more recent version of Symfony. As in this discussion different opinions crashed and no hard facts were present, we need some more information on the current user base.

I am quoting here myself from the google user mailing list:

Such a reimplementation involves quite some effort. It will take man power and time. We want to avoid that after such an undertaking, most of our users are no longer able or willing to use the software. Then, there are two versions (the current one and the reimplemented one) existing and the size of the user base per project has even decreased further.

To get an overview of your options as administrators/users of the PartKeepr project, we prepared a survey. I guess, the survey will take roughly 10 to 15 minutes or a bit more if you write really much in the free-text fields. If you are managing multiple instances, we would kindly ask you to take the survey multiple times, once per instance.

The survey can be reached under the following URL:

The questions will cover different topics:

  • Telemetry data on the instance like number of users, usage etc
  • Possible options regarding future system requirements
  • User experience and intended use-case

We will let the survey open until June 26th 2022 for participants unless there are valid reasons for an extension of the time range. If you find an important reason to postpone the closing, please contact us.

After the survey has terminated, we will analyze the results and prepare some sort of summary/statistical result sheet. We will provide this in the GitHub issue and also on the other channels we ask for help if possible.

Thank you very much for your support and help

I post this here to avoid the information being lost in the other issue. Also, we will publish the results here in this issue if it has terminsted and is evaluated.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

The survey has ended yesterday and we promised some statistics to be published. To keep is a bit shorter, I will block the results according to the corresponding sections.

For now these are only the pure data, no interpretation has been on them yet. This might be better of in another discussion/issue.

I will only provide the cumulated results. I had to shorten some of the answers or merged some (e.g. due to typos). Nevertheless, I will provide the original answers literally to the questions. I will, however, not publish the raw answers (as a table) to protect the contributors. If further questions arise and additional statistics would be useful, I can try to provide them.

Please note that the statements are not mine but the results of the survey. So, please do not blame me for anything in it. I am just the messenger and quote the results.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago


Are you currently running a Partkeepr instance? (1)


This one is quite clear. We had 70 participants total.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Information about the current Partkeepr instance

This section was asking questions related to the current situation.

Wo is the owner if the Partkeepr instance? (2)


The additional answers were:

Who is administrating the instance? (3)


How critical is the instance for you? (4)


Additional answers:

Have you made some customizations to your Partkeepr instance? If yes, please describe in a few sentences. (5)

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

System requirements

In this section the focus was on the system the instance was currently running on as well as possible setup for future use. This included both the hardware, the operating system and possible tool stacks on top of that.

How many users are using the instance approximately? (6)


Have you implemented some extensions/plug-ins or something similar based on PartKeepr (7)


What hardware are you currently using to run Partkeepr? (8)


What system are you currently running Partkeepr on? (9)


How have you installed Partkeepr currently? (10)


Which database system are you using currently? (11)


Additional answers:

If the options above do not match your setup well, please give here some details what you did and how you installed the software. (12)

What hardware could be used for future installations of Partkeepr? (13)


Additional answers:

What system would you be running Partkeepr in the future on? (14)


Additional answers:

How would you consider to run Partkeepr in the future if you had these options? (15)


Additional answers:

Which database systems could be used in the future? (16)


Additional answers:

Do you have any further comments on the technical requirements of any future version of Partkeepr? (17)

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Administrative knowledge

In this section the human capability should be evaluated to prevent us from building huge blocks that our userbase is not able to master.

Do you know these tools/systems? [Docker] (18)


Do you know these tools/systems? [Podman] (19)


Do you know these tools/systems? [Virtual Machines] (20)


Do you know these tools/systems? [Kybernetes] (21)


Would you be willing to install and get used to a new tool stack? (22)


Do you know what a reverse proxy is? (23)


christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Community participation

Here are some general questions regarding the activity of our communitry.

Please select the list of things you have done regarding the Partkeepr project. (24)


If you selected that you programmed against the API or the database, what programming language did you use? (25)

Have you participated in other open source projects? (26)


Are you aware that the project is looking for support by the community? (27)


Would you be willing to help with the Partkeepr project in the future? (28)


What was required for you to participate in the community (more)? Is there especially something we can remove that is hindering you? (29)

Do you know of the current survey regarding the development capabilities in the comunity? (30)


christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Final thoughts

Here come the final section as open-minded questions.

Do you have any final thoughts or comments on the Partkeepr project? (31)

Do you feel some questions in this survey are missing? (32)

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Additional questions

There are for sure some questions that might not be obvious from the results above. Additional questions can be asked here by filtering/merging/.... of the data to get new statements. Here come the results in a rather unordered list.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Is the usage of MariaDB/MySQL and PostgreSQL sufficient?

To answer this, the raw data was reformatted such that if a participant declared one of the named database systems as valid that the answer would be Yes, otherwise No.


Answers considered as "No" were literally:

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

Is PHP a requirement by the user base?

During the discussion, it became obvious that some alternatives to the current PHP-based system were intended by the users. This only affects users that depend on shared webspace as all others might be able to install other software as well. So, here we look only at these 12 participants that declared to think of using a PHP-based webspace for PartKeepr.

The data is reformatted to see if there are other options marked except for the webspace to be used with PartKeepr.


Note: This is a rather small group of 12, so its statistical conclusions are rather soft.

christianlupus commented 2 years ago

How much computational power is available?

To get a grasp on the computational power available, the answers in question 13 are mapped to the categories High, Medium, and Low. The best category is selected for each participant (e.g. Medium and Low would get a Medium in total).


The following answers are considered High:

The following answers are considered Medium:

The following are considered Low:

The following answers were free-text and considered unknown: