partkeepr / PartKeepr

Open Source Inventory Management
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Project Add Parts Issue Ver 0.82 #618

Closed easman95 closed 8 years ago

easman95 commented 8 years ago

Hello, I hope I'm posting in the right place. I have an issue adding parts/searching for parts when creating a new project. Here is the error message from the Critical Error Report:

Critical Error


The server returned a response which we were not able to interpret.


GET http://localhost:8080/partkeepr/web/api/parts?_dc=1458073445609

Response Status Code



Fatal error: Call to a member function getName() on null in C:\Program Files (x86)\xampp\htdocs\partkeepr\src\PartKeepr\PartBundle\Entity\Part.php on line 816
{"@context":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/contexts\/Error","@type":"Error","hydra:title":"An error occurred","hydra:description":"Error: Call to a member function getName() on null"}

Server Configuration

doctrine_orm_version: 2.5.4 doctrine_dbal_version: 2.5.2 doctrine_common_version: 2.6.0-DEV php_version: 5.6.12 auto_start_session: true maxUploadSize: 2097152 availableImageFormats: JPG,GIF,PNG max_users: unlimited authentication_provider: PartKeepr.Auth.HTTPBasicAuthenticationProvider tip_of_the_day_uri: password_change: true

Here is some XHR stuff from when the logs are set to debugging (as per your wiki page):

{"@context":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/contexts\/SystemNotice","@id":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/system_notices?_dc=1458073337718\u0026page=1\u0026start=0\u0026itemsPerPage=99999999","@type":"hydra:PagedCollection","hydra:totalItems":2,"hydra:itemsPerPage":99999999,"hydra:firstPage":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/system_notices?_dc=1458073337718\u0026start=0\u0026itemsPerPage=99999999","hydra:lastPage":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/system_notices?_dc=1458073337718\u0026start=0\u0026itemsPerPage=99999999","hydra:member":[{"@id":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/system_notices\/1","@type":"SystemNotice","date":"2016-03-11T11:47:10-05:00","title":"New PartKeepr Version 0.81 available","description":"PartKeepr Version 0.81\n\nList of bugfixes: https:\/\/\/partkeepr\/PartKeepr\/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A0.80+is%3Aclosed changelog:","acknowledged":false,"type":"PARTKEEPR_VERSION_0.81"},{"@id":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/system_notices\/2","@type":"SystemNotice","date":"2016-03-14T13:04:29-04:00","title":"New PartKeepr Version 0.82 available","description":"PartKeepr Version 0.82\n\nThis release fixes the 0.81 issue where part attachments aren\u0027t visible, see https:\/\/\/partkeepr\/PartKeepr\/issues\/612 changelog:","acknowledged":false,"type":"PARTKEEPR_VERSION_0.82"}],"hydra:search":{"@type":"hydra:IriTemplate","hydra:template":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/system_notices{?}","hydra:variableRepresentation":"BasicRepresentation","hydra:mapping":[]}}

I don't see anything relevant in the apps/logs/dev.log file (Hopefully I did this right)

...Sorry I'm really new to all of this.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

Possible duplicate of #613. If not, please check if the issue can be reproduced on - if so, please provide detailed steps on how to reproduce the issue.

easman95 commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your quick response on this. Here's what I have done so far:

1.) I have viewed issue #613 - The error message is similar (Critical Response Returned: Call to a member function getType() on null) however, this happens when I attempt to add a part to the newly created project (I will explain further below). The issue, at least for me, does not appear to be the same as issue #613.

2.) I have tried to reproduce the issue on, but I was not able to.

3.) Detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem on my end:

a.) Log into system, select "Edit" --> Projects b.) Click the add projects button on the upper left-hand side c.) _Enter "Project Name" and "Project Description" (i.e. "Test 1", "Testing") _d.) _Under "Project Parts" I click the "Add" button and at this point, a Quantity of "1" appears and the "Part" field is blank _e.) When I click the blank area under the "Part" column - a dialog box appears to search for existing parts (So that I can add the part to the project) and at this step is where the issue occurs:

"Critical Error The server returned a response which we were not able to interpret."

The only option I have at this point is to click "OK".

Debug Mode: Displays the message above then displays this message (See below):

"Critical Response Returned: Call to a member function getType() on null"

After clicking "OK" nothing is populated under the "Part" column.

Note: To be quite honest, I do not know for sure if this was happening previously with the last version I was on (ver 0.79) and this may or may not be a problem with the current version I am on (ver 0.82)

If I have missed anything or I did something wrong, please let me know.

Your help with this is greatly appreciated - Thank you for your time.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

Here are a few things you could try:

  1. Re-run setup so that all caches are re-generated
  2. If that doesn't help, try to use app_dev.php (partkeepr wiki). If you use app_dev.php the error dialogs should have a backtrace like so: untitled

I noticed an inconsistency in your description. The initial issue says that you encounter "Fatal error: Call to a member function getName() on null" but today you say it's "Critical Error The server returned a response which we were not able to interpret.". Can you clarify?

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

Another possibility is that the issue was already fixed, I'll release 0.83 soon, so you can double-check then.

easman95 commented 8 years ago

1.) I have tried to re-run setup, but it errors out during "Testing for correct PHP settings" with a "Invalid Reponse from server" and when i click the "Show Errors" a pop-up dialog box appears stating " Error Details: Invalid Response from server"

2.) I have tried to use the app_dev.php method, but it seems to hang, and I do not see a login prompt at all.

Note: I have restarted the server/services after the experiences listed above - but I still have the same issues.

As for your statement regarding inconsistencies in the description, I apologize for that and what I should've clarified is:

The error message I first received was during debug mode ("Fatal error: Call to a member function getName() on null")

The other error message I receive happens when I am not in debug mode ("Critical Error The server returned a response which we were not able to interpret.") - while I log in normally

A question I have for right now is: Should I "undo" the debug mode and re-run the partkeepr setup? Would debug mode have any effect on your instructions for 1.) Re-run setup... and 2.) If that doesn't help, try to use app_dev.php (partkeepr wiki).....?

Again, thank you for your quick responses to this.

easman95 commented 8 years ago

Sorry just saw this: "Another possibility is that the issue was already fixed, I'll release 0.83 soon, so you can double-check then."

OK, thank you for the update.

easman95 commented 8 years ago

I upgraded to 1.0.0-alpha.1 but the issue still persists. I have narrowed it down to a couple of bad folders, but partkeepr doesn't allow me to delete these "bad" folders. I get the following error message below, and the folder does not delete at all:

An error occurred


An exception occurred while executing 'DELETE FROM PartCategory WHERE id = ?' with params [16]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (partkeepr.part, CONSTRAINT FK_E93DDFF812469DE2 FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES partcategory (id))


DELETE /partkeepr/web/api/part_categories/16?_dc=1458827441479

[object Object]

Response Status Code



{"@context":"\/partkeepr\/web\/api\/contexts\/Error","@type":"Error","hydra:title":"An error occurred","hydra:description":"An exception occurred while executing \u0027DELETE FROM PartCategory WHERE id = ?\u0027 with params [16]:\n\nSQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (partkeepr.part, CONSTRAINT FK_E93DDFF812469DE2 FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES partcategory (id))"}

Server Configuration

doctrine_orm_version: 2.5.4 doctrine_dbal_version: 2.5.2 doctrine_common_version: 2.6.0-DEV php_version: 5.6.12 auto_start_session: true maxUploadSize: 2097152 availableImageFormats: JPG,GIF,PNG max_users: unlimited authentication_provider: PartKeepr.Auth.HTTPBasicAuthenticationProvider tip_of_the_day_uri: password_change: true

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

I believe you are mixing up problems.

The initial report says: "I have an issue adding parts/searching for parts when creating a new project.". Now you state that you are trying to delete a category. Please open a separate issue per issue, otherwise it's impossible for me to fix things.

The last error you're receiving happens because you still have parts assigned within the category.

easman95 commented 8 years ago

I cannot see any of the parts at all to "unassign it". I believe these folders are the source of this original issue.

Thank you I will create a separate issue.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

I see. Well what you could do is to send me a database dump (use timo at partkeepr dot com ) and I'll try to reproduce it on my system, but it'll take a few weeks as I'm in holiday from tomorrow.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

Can you send a database dump to me? Without it I won't be able to reproduce and fix the issue.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

Nevermind, I believe I have found to root cause, so no database dump is required.

Drachenkaetzchen commented 8 years ago

Please try the latest PartKeepr version, the issue should now be fixed. If not, please re-open.