Selecting which parts to include in Meta-Parts using check-boxes
I really like meta-parts and use them for resistors and capacitors, but I'd like to use them for things like diodes and logic-level mosfets too, where the filtering becomes overly complex.
It would be great to be able to be able to choose an option in the meta-part which then allows you to select any components that are to be included under that meta-part, using check-boxes.
Selecting which parts to include in Meta-Parts using check-boxes
I really like meta-parts and use them for resistors and capacitors, but I'd like to use them for things like diodes and logic-level mosfets too, where the filtering becomes overly complex.
It would be great to be able to be able to choose an option in the meta-part which then allows you to select any components that are to be included under that meta-part, using check-boxes.