There seems to be an issue with ace editor scrollbars. I don't see any scrollbar whatsoever (in resources view in browser the css display property is flickering to none and back).
I'm attaching screenshot with visible display:none;. If i put display: block !important to ace_scrollbar-v class the scrollbar is shown correctly. But I can't seem to change it permanently in vaadin.
I tried to create file: /frontend/themes/classic/components/ace-widget.css (according to documentation of Vaadin). but it has no effect. The css file has content as follows:
.ace_scrollbar-v { display: block !important; }
I am using Vaadin 24.3.9.
I saw there was a similar issue which was closed as resolved.
Hello, There seems to be an issue with ace editor scrollbars. I don't see any scrollbar whatsoever (in resources view in browser the css display property is flickering to none and back). I'm attaching screenshot with visible
. If i putdisplay: block !important
class the scrollbar is shown correctly. But I can't seem to change it permanently in vaadin. I tried to create file: /frontend/themes/classic/components/ace-widget.css (according to documentation of Vaadin). but it has no effect. The css file has content as follows:.ace_scrollbar-v { display: block !important; }
I am using Vaadin 24.3.9.
I saw there was a similar issue which was closed as resolved.