From Discord.
How can I change the size of the icons?
Ideally lit-pagination should use Vaadin themableMixin so it will be possible to use
Cssimport theme-for lit-pagination.
@CssImport(value = "./lit-pagination-custom.css", themeFor = "lit-pagination")
And use this css: lit-pagination-custom.css
How can we change the style of pagination?
From Discord.
How can I change the size of the icons?
Ideally lit-pagination should use Vaadin themableMixin so it will be possible to use Cssimport theme-for lit-pagination. @CssImport(value = "./lit-pagination-custom.css", themeFor = "lit-pagination") And use this css: lit-pagination-custom.css
There is an example here for lit and Vaadin 14:
And you need this annotation on the java side:
@NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/themable-element", version = "0.3.0")