parttio / textfieldformatter

TextField Formatter Vaadin add-on
Apache License 2.0
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Version 23.3.0 screws up update checkers #69

Open oliveryasuna opened 1 year ago

oliveryasuna commented 1 year ago

Was there a specific reason why you released version 23.3.0, breaking the normal versioning prior?

Any way you could remove this version, please? It messes up Maven and Gradle's checks for new versions.

benstpierre commented 1 year ago

This is very confusing as the version with a much lower release number 5.4.0 is for vaadin 14 and 24 then 23.3.0 is for vaadin 23. Seems kind of odd.

TatuLund commented 1 year ago

I have not tested, but I think someone has marked 5.4.0 being compatible with 14+, and probably meant 14.x, and Directory interprets 14+ as anything from 14 to 24. This is a very common mistake. 23.3.0 seems to work with Vaadin 24 if you add


steve-todorov commented 1 year ago

@TatuLund compatibility is not the real problem here. Semver is meant to help people and tools know what is the "newest / latest" version and what to expect from it (i.e. breaking changes, minor changes or just patches). It goes against any release logic for you to have 5.4.0 as the latest / highest version and at the same time have 23.3.0 that is supposedly "older" version. Plugins that detect outdated dependencies are getting confused, because clearly 23.3.0 > 5.4.0 (23 is greater than 5 hence it wins). Also, the next release is supposedly going to be 5.5.0 which makes it even more confusing.

This addon should decide if it will be following it's own versioning using semver or have some other versioning that follows Vaadin's versions (i.e. for Vaadin 24 you'd use 24.X.Y, for Vaadin 23 - 23.X.Y, etc)

You can't have it both ways, because automation tools such as @dependabot and dependencyUpdates simply stop working. :)