parttio / touchkit

TouchKit is a library of mobile components for Vaadin Framework
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Remove "display:block" to make button text display when using the Tou… #16

Open steinarb opened 6 years ago

steinarb commented 6 years ago

…chKit widgetset with the "valo" theme. Fixes #15.

Not sure if this is the right fix (I don't know CSS well enough), but it makes button texts show up when using the TouchKit widgetset with the valo theme.

mstahv commented 6 years ago

Not 100% sure, but it might break the "touchkit" theme, bundled in to TouchKit. Maybe that could be added with .valothemeui selector so it wouldn't break those apps not using Valo (majority of TouchKit apps)?

steinarb commented 6 years ago

I've tried adding the .valothemui selector, not sure I did it the right way, but it did compile with the gwt compiler and does seem to have the correct behaviour (it brought text back into valo buttons and didn't visibly break anything when using the touchkit theme).

mstahv commented 6 years ago

I havefn't tried at all, but I'd guess the selectors don't activate at all now. It'd now need to have valothemeui and v-button-wrap on the same element, so there should probably be a space between to work. Do you have an example project to share where you have this setup?

steinarb commented 6 years ago

Here it is:

I'm not sure of the exact state of the HEAD of the branch, but the work/using-vaadin-with-vaadin8 branch of this repo (for instance it looks like it is pushed with theme "valo" instead of theme "touchkit", I've been going back and forth and experimenting a lot).

To try it out:

  1. Clone the repo and build the correct branch:
    git clone
    cd ukelonn
    git checkout work/using-vaadin-with-vaadin8
    mvn clean install
  2. Install apache karaf and start it (note: The download link doesn't work. Get karaf 4.1.5 from here instead: ). Start karaf with "bin/karaf debug" to get a karaf listening for remote debug connections
  3. From the karaf console, do the following commands
    feature:repo-add mvn:no.priv.bang.ukelonn/ukelonn.karaf/LATEST/xml/features
    feature:install ukelonn-db-derby-test
    feature:install ukelonn
    bundle watch *
  4. Visit the http://localhost:8181/ukelonn URL, use admin/admin as the username/password combination to get the admin UI (use jad/1ad to get a client UI). The buttons should be empty in either unless built against TouchKit 5.0.1-SNAPSHOT with this (or another fix). I have TouchKit with the fix so I can't test right now

Below the actual interface there is a link "Nettleserversion" that can be clicked on to get to a pure Valo version (click on "Mobilversjon" to get back to the TouchKit version).

To see the tables talked about: In the admin UI, select "Jane Doe" from the dropdown in "Velg hvem det skal betales til". The tables are in "Siste jobber for bruker" and "Siste utbetalinger til bruker".

The "bundle:watch *" command means that karaf will pick up new snapshot builds installed in the local maven repo with "mvn install". If started with the debug argument, karaf is listening for remote debug connections on port 5005

steinarb commented 6 years ago

Note: The master branch of the project shows this issue for Vaadin 7/TouchKit 4

Click on "Nettleserversjon" at the bottom of the page to get the Valo themed version.