Due to the backgrounding of the feh command, the following if is pointless.
"$?" will ALWAYS be 0:
feh -R 3 -Y -x -q -D 5 -B black -F -Z -z -r ${BASEDIR}/${SHOW}/ &
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "feh command failed, this is a big deal" | tee $OUTPUT
exit $?
echo "Success: displaying the images for $SHOW" | tee $OUTPUT
May as well just write:
feh -R 3 -Y -x -q -D 5 -B black -F -Z -z -r ${BASEDIR}/${SHOW}/ &
echo "Success: displaying the images for $SHOW" | tee $OUTPUT
Although that's inaccurate since feh may have failed so probably just:
Due to the backgrounding of the feh command, the following if is pointless. "$?" will ALWAYS be 0:
May as well just write:
Although that's inaccurate since feh may have failed so probably just: