pascalduez / postcss-apply

PostCSS plugin enabling custom properties sets references
The Unlicense
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Consider adding a `variable` and `apendVariables` option #15

Closed pascalduez closed 6 years ago

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

In postcss-apply case that would maybe be named sets?

kevinSuttle commented 7 years ago

@pascalduez FWIW, the only way I know this would work is if you process and then hoist the output to be at the top-most style tag.

screen shot 2016-09-28 at 4 14 12 pm

It also seems like any time you'd need to share across files you'd need to make every style available in JS, which kind of defeats the purpose of CSS.

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

@kevinSuttle Thanks for the feedback. It might be that I need a good night of sleep, but I don't understand a damn thing at what you're trying to explain... Sorry.

kevinSuttle commented 7 years ago

Haha. No worries. If you'd like to do a screenshare or something when you're rested, we can. I'd like to invite @MoOx as well.

mrtnbroder commented 7 years ago

I really really really really need this!

I'm using webpack v2 + css modules + nextcss for writing my css. Currently however, I have to import my global.css file (which holds all the @apply rule-sets) in every component-styles.css where I need these rules. This is very explict, but also very annoying. I'd like to have the variables or sets option here to have them available globally.

Any idea when you could work on this?

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

@mrtnbroder It's on my "priority list", I might need that feature soon as well ;)

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

Available as of postcss-apply@0.6.0. See #22

Just wanted to push a first iteration so that you guys can play a bit with it and give feedback hopefully. @mrtnbroder @AdamJo

I guess there will be things to improve/decide, like how it must work with the preserve option.

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

I don't want this to turn into a full blown inJS CSS stuff, but:


const themes = {
  /* Set names won't be transformed, just `--` will be prepended. */
  'toolbar-theme': {
    /* Declaration properties can either be camel or kebab case. */
    backgroundColor: 'rebeccapurple',
    color: 'white',
    border: '1px solid green',

postcss().use(apply({ sets: themes }))
/* input */

.Toolbar {
  @apply --toolbar-theme;

Maybe we could go with the template trend:

const themes = [
  `--toolbar-theme: { 
    background-color: rebeccapurple;
    color: white;
    border: 1px solid green;

postcss().use(apply({ sets: themes }))