pascalduez / postcss-apply

PostCSS plugin enabling custom properties sets references
The Unlicense
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Enable defining custom properties under selectors other than :root #37

Closed kimamula closed 7 years ago

kimamula commented 7 years ago

Currently, custom properties can be defined only under the :root selector.

However, I think defining custom properties under selectors other than :root should be possible according to the spec.

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

Hi @kimamula,

the Readme says:

Refers to postcss-custom-properties for DOMless limitations.

This is a wanted limitation, since that without a DOM, it's not possible to achieve this behaviour (scope, cascade, inheritance).

kimamula commented 7 years ago

Well, at least, the following can be achieved without any information of DOM.

.foo {
  --some-properties: {
    width: 100%;
  .bar {
    @apply --some-properties;

The similar behavior has been already implemented in postcss-css-variables.

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

Then what's the difference with?

:root {
  --some-properties: {
    width: 100%;

.foo {
  .bar {
    @apply --some-properties;

It would be missleading to allow such behaviour, not to mention the preserve option. There was already heated discussions between postcss-custom-properties and postcss-css-variables on this topic. So not going to reproduce that here. postcss-apply is aimed at following postcss-custom-properties.

Also you might already know that the @apply specification will probably be abandoned.

kimamula commented 7 years ago

Fair enough, thanks.