pascalduez / postcss-apply

PostCSS plugin enabling custom properties sets references
The Unlicense
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Update plugin for latest PostCSS #48

Open ai opened 5 years ago

ai commented 5 years ago

According this issue PostCSS now parses --a: { b: 2 } as --a declaration with { b: 2 } value (CSS Custom Properties requires it from us).

We need to update plugin and parse declaration value gain to get its content.

pascalduez commented 5 years ago

Hi @ai,

thanks for the heads up. If I understand correctly the breakage will happen in PostCSS 8, right?

ai commented 5 years ago


japboy commented 5 years ago

postcss-apply is useful. on the other hand postcss-extend doesn't seem to be maintained. if i want something like Sass @extend, postcss-apply is practical choice for now. it would be great if this plugin is to keep maintained.

pascalduez commented 5 years ago

@japboy I will upgrade it to make it work with PostCSS 8 when available.

But actually it's closer to postcss-mixins than postcss-extend in behaviour.

heath-freenome commented 3 years ago

PostCss is already on 8.1.x... how goes this upgrade? Having already completed an upgrade of another small postcss library another myself, the bare minimum changes are pretty minor and should take less than an hour. Taking advantage of the more advanced changes might take a lot longer. If you need someone to simply do the bare minimum, let me know.

nolimitdev commented 3 years ago

Hi, will be support for postcss v8 added? I see branch feature/postcss-8 but is it done or is there any technical problem and support for v8 could not be added? Thanks for info. Can someone please explain me what consequence will be without v8 support? I will not be able to update to latest webpack or something else? Postcss-apply depends on postcss v7 so it can work fine forever or not?

spnc-omz commented 3 years ago

I've put some effort into getting things working, and have a lot of it slapped together and functional locally, but am very lost when it comes to some of the tests.

Some of it seems to be based on how Postcss v7 worked and I don't know exactly how I should move forward. If anyone has a strong opinion I'm all ears, otherwise I'm going to remove things that don't make sense at this point.

pascalduez commented 3 years ago

@spnc-omz That "integration" file aims at testing we don't break other CSS features and PostCSS plugins, mainly postcss-custom-properties, that's exactly what the test you highlight is for. We should leave standard custom properties untouched.

sevilyilmaz commented 2 years ago

@pascalduez @spnc-omz do you folks have any update on the progress of the upgrade?

@spnc-omz if you have some progress please share your branch, so, I might lend you some help.

tomasbeloch commented 2 years ago

@pascalduez do you have any updates on the progress of this issue?