pascalkuthe / OpenVAF

An innovative Verilog-A compiler
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OSDI/OpenVAF: Verilog-A compact models in ngspice #23

Closed pascalkuthe closed 1 year ago

pascalkuthe commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **Marvelousmay** January 11, 2023 I used the precompiled standalone executable of Openvaf. Here I tried compiling a comparator model using Verilog-ams language, but I failed, it reported an error like this: ``` # openvaf thread '' panicked at 'internal error: entered unreachable code: attempted to read undefined value', openvaf/mir_llvm/src/ note: run with environment variable to display a backtrace ``` My comparator model is as follows: ``` `include "disciplines.vams" `include "constants.vams" module comparator (sigin, sigref, sigout); input sigin,sigref; output sigout; electrical sigin, sigref, sigout; parameter real sigout_high = 10; parameter real sigout_low = -10; parameter real sigin_offset = 0; parameter real comp_slope = 1000; analog begin @( initial_step) begin if (sigout_high <= sigout_low) begin $display("Range specification error. sigout_high = (%E) less than sigout_low = (%E).\n",sigout_high,sigout_low); $finish; end end V(sigout) <+ 0.5 * (sigout_high - sigout_low)* tanh(comp_slope*(V(sigin, sigref) - sigin_offset))+(sigout_high + sigout_low)/2; end endmodule ``` I tried another simple model and found that the problem appeared here, and that is that I can only express V like this: `I(p,n) <+ idt(V(p,n))/L;` Instead of using: `V(p,n) <+ L*ddt(I(p,n));` So when I want to express a V relationship for example: ``V(n2,n1) <+ gain * sin(2 * `M_PI * freq * $abstime);`` How can I modify it? Looking forward to a reply.