pascalkuthe / OpenVAF

An innovative Verilog-A compiler
GNU General Public License v3.0
113 stars 15 forks source link

Prepare for release 23.5.0 #67

Closed pascalkuthe closed 1 year ago

pascalkuthe commented 1 year ago
dwarning commented 1 year ago

Thanks Pascal. Will be an update of the windows binaries are available?

pascalkuthe commented 1 year ago

the master build is automatially build by our CI and uploaded, you can find the links both for windows and linux in the README:

To test the latest development version you can download nightly version of OpenVAF for linux or windows.

These binaries always reflect the newest development state. The downloads on the website ( will only be updated once the new version is released but I want to test the current build for a couple more days to make sure that there are no new bugs before the next release.