pascalkuthe / OpenVAF

An innovative Verilog-A compiler
GNU General Public License v3.0
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model examples #70

Closed joamatab closed 8 months ago

joamatab commented 1 year ago

What are the plans to add examples for skywater130 and gf180nm?

How about with adding a python plugin through gdsfactory?


pascalkuthe commented 8 months ago

Sorry I forgot about this.

OpenVAF compiles compact models. These aren't really bounds to a single process. There are quite a few different industry models. Both the ngspice repository and the integrationtest folder in this repo contain a lot of Verilog-A models that can be compiled with OpenVAF.

A full PDK usually consists of a more complex netlist tough which sets the parameters for the compact model (which would be compiled by openvaf). I don't really think it makes sense to keep something like that in tree. Especially because converting a PDK can be a lot of effort.