pascalkuthe / OpenVAF

An innovative Verilog-A compiler
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix compile fails and crashes on `aarch64` #90

Closed hpretl closed 8 months ago

hpretl commented 8 months ago

We have tested the proposed changes on x86_64 and aarch64, they work for both; we suggest merging them into the source.

This is the Dockerfile that has been used for testing:

# REPLACE "aarch64" BY "x86_64" IF NEEDED

# user for non-root commands
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash human

# build LLVM-15
RUN git clone --depth=1 --branch release/15.x
RUN cd llvm-project \
    && mkdir build && cd build \
    && cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra;lld" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/tools/llvm -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../llvm \
    && make -j $(nproc) \
    && make install

ENV LLVM_CONFIG=~/tools/llvm/bin/llvm-config

# install rust
RUN yum group install "Development Tools" -y && \
    yum clean all

ENV RUSTUP_HOME=/usr/local/rustup CARGO_HOME=/usr/local/cargo

RUN mkdir -p "$CARGO_HOME" && mkdir -p "$RUSTUP_HOME" && \
    curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain stable && \
    chmod -R a=rwX $CARGO_HOME

# set path variables
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/tools/llvm/bin"
ENV LLVM_CONFIG=/root/tools/llvm/bin/llvm-config

# install Python3.8
RUN yum install wget gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel -y
RUN cd /usr/src && \
    wget && \
    tar xzf Python-3.8.0.tgz && \
    cd Python-3.8.0 && \
    ./configure --enable-optimizations && \
    make altinstall

RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3 && \
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip3.8 /usr/bin/pip3

# download OpenVAF repository
RUN mkdir /io && \
    cd /io && \
    git clone

# sed -i 's/i8/libc::c_char/g' openvaf/llvm/src/ && \
# sed -i 's/llround/lround/g' openvaf/mir_llvm/src/ && \
# sed -i 's/llround/lround/g' openvaf/mir_llvm/src/ && \

# OpenVAF build
RUN cd /io/OpenVAF && \
    cargo build --release

# Python packages for compiling vae
#RUN pip3 install wheel

# VerilogAE build
#RUN cd /io/OpenVAF && \
#    cargo xtask verilogae build --manylinux
pascalkuthe commented 8 months ago

thank you for contributing. To accept third party contribution I require a signed contributor license agreement to ensure we can continue to use OpenVAF in commercial settings aswell. Please download and sign CLA and send it to

hpretl commented 8 months ago

@pascalkuthe I have no issue with signing the CLA, but I need to do this on behalf of my university, which means a full round of legal reviews. For the changes under discussion, this is overkill. I propose we cancel the PR, and you just adapt the 3 tiny locations yourself. Agree?

pascalkuthe commented 8 months ago

sure that sounds good to me, thank you!

I was going to fix this myselfy originially but you were faster with your PR

pascalkuthe commented 8 months ago

I am currently finishing up the noise integration into OpenVAF which requires very larg changes.

I hope to wrap that up in the next couple of days I will push the fixes once I am done with that to avoid too much juggling of conflicting changesets

hpretl commented 8 months ago

Excellent, looking forward to having noise in the sims 😀👍