pascalopitz / unoffical-sonos-controller-for-linux

An Electron based linux app for controlling your sonos system.
MIT License
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SiriusXM title tags are mis-formatted #151

Open bmn001 opened 2 years ago

bmn001 commented 2 years ago

First off, thank you for this incredible app. You've done what Sonos won't, and I'm listening to much more music as a result.

I realize the third-party integrations are "super experimental" but wanted to report an issue.

I'm using the SiriusXM integration. Audio is great! I can browse the channel listings and switch between them easily, and the audio works 100% of the time.

The data that appears in the Track/Artist/Album fields is a bit unreliable, though.

When tuning to a station, Track is populated with the station title and logo. Artist and Album are blank. Sometimes this is the only metadata that will ever appear.

After playing the station for a bit, Track will sometimes (but not always) change to something like "BR P|TYPE=SNG|TITLE Stylish|ARTIST Judah Sealy|ALBUM" while Artist and Album remain blank.

After pausing a station for a bit (overnight?), Track changes to something like "x-sonosapt-hls:Api:tune:liveAudio:Chill:834383dd-9a7e-d59e-81a2-xxxxx0377af2?sid=37&glags=288&sn=20" and Artist and Album are blank.

Anyway, I'm sure you're already aware of this, but wanted to have it documented. Thanks again.

pascalopitz commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I cannot even look into this because I don't have access to that integration in Australia:


pascalopitz commented 2 years ago

I'll leave it open for any pull requests