pascalopitz / unoffical-sonos-controller-for-linux

An Electron based linux app for controlling your sonos system.
MIT License
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Number of songs in playlist limited ? #171

Open RRRickkk opened 2 years ago

RRRickkk commented 2 years ago

Good day Pascal !

First of all, thanks for this excellent Sonos alternative for linux. Also, Happy Holidays to you and yours !

I was wondering if there was a limit in UnSoCo for the number of songs in a playlist. I have one with 1,093 songs that does not appear completely in UnSoCo.



pascalopitz commented 2 years ago

Playlist being Sonos Playlist, Service Playlist or Queue?

RRRickkk commented 2 years ago

Hey Pascal,

I am referring to Sonos playlists. The playlist mentioned above appears fully in the Windows official Sonos Controller, but not in your application.

pascalopitz commented 2 years ago

Nope, not limited. The playlist is stored on the Sonos device itself. Scrolling to the end of the list should load another batch and append entries, like all other browser list views.

Is there maybe an error in the console that gives any clues? Can you export a state dump and append as file?

RRRickkk commented 2 years ago

Hi again Pascal,

There are quite a few errors and warning in the console ... I am attaching 2 state dump files exported after trying to scroll to the end of the playlist as well as an app settings export. Thanks again !

unoffical-sonos-controller.appState(2).json.txt unoffical-sonos-controller.appState.json.txt unoffical-sonos-controller.settings.json.txt !

RRRickkk commented 2 years ago

Pascal : if this can be at all helpful - When I scroll down the playlist to where it stops loading and play that last song appearing in the list, it plays normally. I can also advance to the next songs in the list, even though they do not appear (show) in the list "box" itself.

Also, when scrolling to where the list stops refreshing, the console starts to show a whole pile of "404 not found" errors, even though the files are there (and play).

Thanks again.


pascalopitz commented 2 years ago

Curious. I am not sure why. I can see it loaded 1000 tracks. Maybe a limitation with node-sonos?

RRRickkk commented 1 year ago

Hello Pascal !

I trust you and yours are well. Just wondering if there has been any development on this issue ? I still use your application most of the time, but have to switch over to an alternative linux app that doesn't have this limitation when using a playlist with over 1000 songs.

Thanks !