paschmann / rasa-ui

Rasa UI is a frontend for the Rasa Framework
MIT License
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Database migration to manage app database #196

Open DanSilvaDev opened 5 years ago

DanSilvaDev commented 5 years ago

I got some troubles trying to run the RasaUI due database scripts. As they're splited and even the main one has some columns missing.

I developed the migration feature with db-migrate, now when run npm start the app executes the migration and then connect to the database. The user won't have to worry about lot of sql files. The developers just use the db-migrate create migrationName and add or change the database.

It simplifies and automate the process on both sides.

I know that I should have raised this issue before, but as I was really in need of this feature I developed already in my fork and I'll send the pull request, too. I do think that it's very useful and make the Rasa UI more robust.

Any doubts or further clarifications, let me know.

Glad to help .

Marking for review: @paschmann @pradeepmvn

JoseZamora97 commented 5 years ago

hola @ProgramadorDeValor se que estarás muy ocupado, me podrias ayudar con un problema que tengo de rasa ui?

DanSilvaDev commented 5 years ago

Hola @JoseZamora97,

No sé si puedo ayudarte, porque no soy un experto en la herramienta. Pero de todos modos, podemos intentarlo así: Abra un "issue" en ese proyecto describiendo detalladamente el problema. Si lo sabes te ayudo, sin problemas. Si no lo sabe, quedará abierto para el apoyo de la comunidad.

Como no hablo español, he usado el traductor. Me disculpa si hubo algún error :)

JoseZamora97 commented 5 years ago

Hi @ProgramadorDeValor here is my issue for some reason I am getting a nlu error when I test the trained model. Thanks for reply C: