paseto-standard / paseto-spec

Specification for Platform Agnostic SEcurity TOkens (PASETO)
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Consideration for Fail-Closed DateTime Claim Validation (w/Simpler Issuing) #27

Open IamfromSpace opened 2 years ago

IamfromSpace commented 2 years ago

Currently, the spec dictates that signing libraries should default to 1 hour expiry, unless explicitly opting out. I think it would be more natural and simpler to require that validating libraries instead default received claims to 1 hour of activity and reject tokens where expiry cannot be inferred. If validating libraries are not checking a PASeTos active window, then a default by the issuer is hopeless anyway. By doing more in the validating libraries, signing libraries can safely do less.

Essentially the spec would look something like this for validation:

If desired, library authors could allow users to alter default flow for their own (and should recommend to their users not to do so).

With this flow, non-expiring PASeTos can only be simulated with extremely far reaching dates (it's trivial to make them last thousands of years). This means that libraries and users that do things wrong by accident either make tokens that only last an hour or are never accepted at all. Users who do things wrong must purposefully make errors otherwise.

If this validation is accidentally skipped by a library or user, then all is lost anyway.

Curious to get thoughts on this, and again happy to take a stab at a PR here. Cheers!