pashky / restclient.el

HTTP REST client tool for emacs
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Convert Postman snippet to Restclient #228

Open arichiardi opened 4 years ago

arichiardi commented 4 years ago

Hi there again,

some idea that just popped up in my head. It might be nice to have a Postman -> Restclient.el snippet conversion, kind of similar to what I have seen in the reason-mode repository.

I don't know, seems useful given all the Postman collections out there, and all the people down here that do not want to use Postman :smile:

sincebyte commented 4 years ago


flashcode commented 3 years ago

Hi @arichiardi,

For your information, I just wrote a small Emacs package to import Postman collections, as restclient or verb format (I switched to verb after using restclient). This was just for my own needs, it does not support (yet) all Postman features (PR are welcome). The package is available here:

arichiardi commented 3 years ago

Hey that's great! and verb looks amazing too, I did not know about that :smile: