pashpashpash / vault-ai

OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, epub, etc) using a simple React frontend.
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Error upserting embeddings to Pinecone #40

Closed tjb4578 closed 1 year ago

tjb4578 commented 1 year ago

Just got the site up and running locally on windows. Whenever I try to upload a file, I either get a timeout after ~5 minutes or I receive the following error after a couple seconds. I've tried both txt and pdf files but am getting the same result.

Total chunks: 144
Total embeddings: 144
Embeddings length: 1536
2023/04/22 11:01:23 [upsertEmbeddingsToPinecone] Created pinecone upsert request with namespace =  78de054e-37fd-4669-9922-8dc1c8267755
2023/04/22 11:01:24 [UploadHandler ERR] Error upserting embeddings to Pinecone:
[negroni] Apr 22 11:01:21 | 200 | 3.0222837s
          POST /upload
ms6rb commented 1 year ago

this seems to be a problem with Pinecone's starter plan. I spent a lot of time trying to get around this error but ended up figuring out that I can't use the API at all. try any request with your API key, and you will probably get 403 or 401 errors.

all we can do is wait for Pinecone to fix this issue or decide what will they do with the starter plan.

tjb4578 commented 1 year ago

You're right, just tried a postman request and got a 403. Weird how Pinecone doesn't mention API at all in their pricing, I kind of just assumed it'd be included in their starter plan.