pashpashpash / vault-ai

OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, epub, etc) using a simple React frontend.
MIT License
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Error 401 #77

Open Metroxynth opened 1 year ago

Metroxynth commented 1 year ago

Getting the following error when trying to upload documents:

[UploadHandler ERR] Error getting embeddings: error, status code: 401, message: 

Running it locally.

EDIT: Looks like this error is related with outdated or expired API OpenAI credentials.

Tristl commented 1 year ago

Can confirm the error [UploadHandler ERR] Error getting embeddings: error, status code: 401, message: when uploading any document. It just stops scanning the document in the middle and the error message is displayed. Also running it locally.

KryptoXenon commented 1 year ago

Tried locally. Same error spins up for every file that I upload but I can't understand the source of the problem.