pasichnykvasyl / Leaflet.BigImage

A leaflet plugin that allows users to receive a large map area and download it.
MIT License
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Plugin error in js #15

Closed alexsavv closed 2 years ago

alexsavv commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have two questions. The first one is that you refer two steps for the bigimage installation. Step 1. Include the required js and css files in your document.

              <script src="dist/Leaflet.BigImage.js"></script>
     Step 2. Add the following line of code to your map script

    If you search the files , you will see that the dist folder there are the Leaflet.BigImage.min.css and Leaflet.BigImage.min.js files.
    In the src folder there are the Leaflet.BigImage.css and the Leaflet.BigImage.js.
    So, is it a fault and the correct folder is src?

 The second question is that i tried to set the leaflet.bigimage through npm but i have the error "TypeError: L.control.bigImage is not a function". Because i cant send a screenshot of my code, i will say that i have an example with a map that the user can interract with it and i want to set this plugin in js not html. So, i loaded the plugin with "require('lealfet.bigimage")" command and the css with the import command.

Thanks a lot for your help