pasky / speedread

A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike (per-word RSVP aligned on optimal reading points)
MIT License
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An elinks-based recipe for reading websites this way. #16

Open hhirsch opened 9 years ago

hhirsch commented 9 years ago

An elinks-based recipe for reading websites this way.

camadog commented 2 years ago

Hi, Apologies in advance for my English.

I did a script like this:

#!/bin/bash clear curl -s $1 | html2text --images-to-alt --default-image-alt="/Image/" --ignore-tables -b 0 | egrep -v "^\s+\*\ \[.*" | speedread -w $2

It is not perfect, but it was good enough for me. You just pass the url and the desired speed.