Passbolt Version: 2.13.5-debian (docker official image)
Platform and Target:
-- Browser: Brave Version 1.16.68 Chromium: 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit)
What you did
I'm running Passbolt behind nginx reverse proxy, at first I had a miss configuration that was blocking the x-csrf-token header so when I tried to update notification options or generate new users I got a 403 code. I managed this adding *COOKIE_FLAGS= SameSite=Lax** to Nginx and It started working correctly in my staging instance but not in production. Both environments were configured identically except for the FQDN.
What happened
Since I had Passbolt add-on configured before this change, what I made was to create a new profile and recover the user, then I tried to modify notification options and it worked.
What you expected to happen
Not to have to create a new profile, install the plugin on it and recover the user because a change in the reverse proxy.
What you did
I'm running Passbolt behind nginx reverse proxy, at first I had a miss configuration that was blocking the x-csrf-token header so when I tried to update notification options or generate new users I got a 403 code. I managed this adding *COOKIE_FLAGS= SameSite=Lax** to Nginx and It started working correctly in my staging instance but not in production. Both environments were configured identically except for the FQDN.
What happened
Since I had Passbolt add-on configured before this change, what I made was to create a new profile and recover the user, then I tried to modify notification options and it worked.
What you expected to happen
Not to have to create a new profile, install the plugin on it and recover the user because a change in the reverse proxy.