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Fix SEO errors #319

Closed timcappalli closed 5 months ago

timcappalli commented 6 months ago
WARN  [Hugo SEO] assets/favicon.png does not exist. Add a file that's at least 512x512 pixels (or your largest defined icon size)
WARN  [Hugo SEO] assets/mask-icon.svg does not exist.
WARN  [Hugo SEO] assets/favicon.ico does not exist.
WARN  [Hugo SEO] Missing default image for og:image - assets/cover.png does not exist. Use a high-quality image with dimensions of at least 1200 x 630 pixels, while keeping the file size under 8 MB.
WARN  [Hugo SEO] Missing default image for og:image - Add 'images: ['cover.png']' to your hugo.yaml
timcappalli commented 5 months ago

The social key in site configuration is deprecated. Use instead.

timcappalli commented 5 months ago

Ignoring [Hugo SEO] assets/mask-icon.svg does not exist. for the time being, as it is not really used anymore.