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How do I Identify what authenticator validated my request. #39

Open CharlieEarnup opened 4 years ago

CharlieEarnup commented 4 years ago

I have my server set up to pull from either a session (provided in the cookie) or from the JWT. I also have totp set up.

The issue is I want to enforce totp for all cookie sessions, but for jwt sessions (generally meaning another service is making the request) it would probably not be necessary.

How do I differentiate between the two. Is there some way to modify the session via the Strategy callback?

CharlieEarnup commented 4 years ago

So to clarify the issue I have is that the passport-jwt only passes back the user and no more information. Whereas session stores the second factor in the session.

So I guess what I'm really asking is how would I use TOTP with jwt's? I can probably figure it out once I know that.