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upgrading 0.5.3 to 0.6.0 introduces breaking change: appid auth passes but progress to landing page is stopped #68

Open mfeblowitz opened 1 year ago

mfeblowitz commented 1 year ago

nodejs 14.20.0 passport: 0.6.0 passport-strategy: 1.0.0 ibmcloud-appid: v6.2.6, using appID.WebAppStrategy, AuthMiddleware toke refresh express: 4.18.1 express-session: 1.17.3

Behavior: Using passport: 0.5.3, running through appid authorization workflow, successful authentication allows progress through various get urls, handling various interim steps, and ultimately landing on the app landing page.

With all else held stable, installing passport v0.6.0 changes the behavior, cycling through successful authentication and returning to the login screen.

A diff to package-lock.json shows only two differences:

  1. passport @0.5.3 -> @0.6.0
  2. utils-merge@1.0.1 only listed as passport dependency for 0.6.0

Here's a diff of the debug traces, with 0.6.0 on the left and 0.5.3 (working) on the right. Note the undefined GET /ibm/bluemix/appid/callback.., which seems to be the "smoking gun". To reinforce, no code changes or other module changes were made.

Validating Iss and Aud claims                                   Validating Iss and Aud claims

 token ver: 4                                                    token ver: 4

 token version is valid                                          token version is valid

 token aud: 9d13229c-93d8-4a2d-8669-0ef59664bd4c                 token aud: 9d13229c-93d8-4a2d-8669-0ef59664bd4c

 token iss:     token iss:

 Successfully validated Iss and Aud claims with user defined     Successfully validated Iss and Aud claims with user defined 

 authentication success                                          authentication success

 completeAuthorizationFlow :: success { failureRedirect: '/',    completeAuthorizationFlow :: success { failureRedirect: '/',

 undefined GET /ibm/bluemix/appid/callback...                 |  ::1 GET /ibm/bluemix/appid/callback...

 undefined GET / {}...                                        |  Checking license acceptance: license acceptance still valid.

 ::1 GET /public/start.html {}...                             |  handleAuthorization
                                                              >  ::1 GET /spa/ {}...
                                                              >  ::1 GET /spa/styles.f097758609b626ac.css {}...
                                                              >  ::1 GET /spa/main.094f81a9ce4d3fd3.js {}...
                                                              >  ::1 GET /spa/styles.f097758609b626ac.css {}...
                                                              >  ::1 GET /spa/runtime.c7a1c7b6d5629c2b.js {}...

FYI - the full line before the first "undefined" line is (in both versions):

 completeAuthorizationFlow :: success { failureRedirect: '/', successReturnToOrRedirect: '/' }

What might have changed for this to happen?

BTW, important, due to vulnerability in passport < 0.6.0