passportxyz / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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Implement Detailed Explanation for "Encryption" with Gnosis Safe, ENS, BrightID and Other Stamps #2159

Open erichfi opened 8 months ago

erichfi commented 8 months ago

User Story:

As a Gitcoin Passport user, I want a detailed explanation for how my data from Gnosis Safe, ENS, BrightID, and other stamps is represented and stored, So that I understand the privacy and security measures in place, knowing that my specific account addresses from these platforms are not directly stored but rather represented in a privacy-preserving manner.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a user is reviewing or adding stamps from Gnosis Safe, ENS, BrightID, LinkedIn, Discord, and Proof of Humanity to their Gitcoin Passport, WHEN they interact with the information related to the credential, THEN they should be presented with an intentional, functional, and aesthetically pleasing description that explains:

Account Name Provider Name (e.g., "Google")

Product & Design Links:

See example:


Tech Details:

Open Questions:


lebraat commented 8 months ago

To start, I'll provide some recommended headers and credential names to replace "Account Name" and "Encrypted. Might come back through with some more specific recommendations for the descriptions

Stamp - Header - Credential name

Gnosis Safe - Safe - Owns account (Should we remove 'Gnosis'?) ENS - ENS - Owns domain BrightID - BrightID - Verified identity LinkedIn - LinkedIn - Owns account Discord - Discord - Owns account Proof of Humanity - Proof of Humanity - Verified identity