passportxyz / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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AllowList Stamp MVP #2479

Open Jkd-eth opened 5 months ago

Jkd-eth commented 5 months ago

User Story:

As a partner, I want to create a custom stamp that pre-approves users based on a predefined list of addresses, So that I can streamline the verification process for trusted users in my campaign.

Acceptance Criteria

TICKET ¹ -- Step 3 -- 3 .s Visibility on Custom Dashboards GIVEN a user is accessing the custom dashboard WHEN the custom dashboard is loaded THEN the AllowList Stamp should be visible only on custom dashboards where the product team has set a score weight greater than 0 AND it should not be visible on the default dashboard, maintaining 0 weight to avoid interfering with standard processes.

TICKET ² -- Step 1 -- 5 .s Score Weight Assignment GIVEN the product team is configuring the score weights of the partner's custom dashboard WHEN the product team sets a score weight for the stamp THEN the system should accept any two decimal number greater than 0 as the score weight.

Uploading Address List GIVEN the product team has received a list of addresses from a partner WHEN the product team accesses the Django admin interface THEN the product team should be able to upload a CSV file containing a simple list of addresses AND the system should validate the format and store the list securely.

TICKET ³ -- Step 2 -- 5 .s Verification Process GIVEN a user clicks the Verify button on a custom dashboard WHEN the system checks the user's address against the uploaded list THEN if the address is on the list, the user should be awarded points as per the configured score weight AND if the address is not on the list, an error message should be displayed: "You are not on the allowlist of this campaign."

Integration with Web3 1-Click Flow GIVEN a user is undergoing the web3 1-click verification process WHEN the process includes the AllowList Stamp check THEN the system should seamlessly integrate this check within the existing onboarding flow.

Product & Design Links:

Tech Details:

Open Questions:


nutrina commented 5 months ago


The changes required:

  1. new stamp payload
    • we need to somehow identify that: a. it is another stamp type b. also reference the allowlist
  2. allow uploading allowlists as CSV file in admin. CSV fields: address
    • CSV files should be linked to account
    • allow linking one or more allow lists to a custom dashboard
  3. implement endpoint to allow checking if an address is in an allow list or not
    • inputs: eth address, dashboard id
    • this should check all allowlists linked to dashboard
  4. implement issuance of the new stamp in the IAM
  5. new parameter in requests to the IAM: scorer id
    • this needs to be passed through into the verify method for providers
  6. implement provider that issues allowlist stamps
    • this new stamps provider(s) should not be written on chain yet (skip these stamps)
  7. create new schema for compose-db for the new stamp
  8. deploy the new schema to compose
  9. implement writing the new stamps to compose
  10. support for writing the stamps to the blockchain

Related topics:

erichfi commented 4 months ago

Split this work into three issues: