passportxyz / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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Highlight Low Score in Red #2759

Open erichfi opened 3 months ago

erichfi commented 3 months ago

User Story:

As a user of the Passport app, I want to see a clear indication when my score is below 20, So that I know I need to take action to improve it.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN the user's score is below 20, WHEN the score is highlighted, THEN display the score in red with a message indicating the need to increase the score, and highlight the headline in red.

Product & Design Links:

Figma Design File

Tech Details:

Open Questions:


lucianHymer commented 3 months ago

Probably depends on being finished

tim-schultz commented 3 months ago

Moving to blocked until is finished