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Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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Evaluate Secure Key Storage Solutions (HSM, Amazon Nitro, etc.) #2790

Open Jkd-eth opened 4 weeks ago

Jkd-eth commented 4 weeks ago

User Story:

As the Passport team, I want to ensure that the cryptographic keys used for hashing and signing are secured against exposure, So that the integrity and security of the platform are maintained, preventing the potential doxing of 1.3 million addresses or other critical security breaches.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN the high sensitivity of cryptographic keys used in Passport's operations, WHEN evaluating secure storage and management options for these keys, THEN we should identify the best solution, whether it's an HSM, Amazon Nitro, or another technology, to ensure the highest level of security and minimize the risk of key exposure.

Exploration Goals

  1. Risk Assessment: Identify specific vulnerabilities in our current software-based key storage, particularly focusing on the hashing key and signing key.
  2. Solution Exploration: Evaluate various secure key management solutions, including HSMs, Amazon Nitro, and other potential technologies, to determine which offers the best protection against key exposure.
  3. Security Impact: Analyze how each solution can prevent the exposure of critical data, such as the potential doxing of 1.3 million addresses, compared to our current practices.
  4. Decision Criteria: Establish clear criteria for selecting the most secure and practical solution, based on security enhancements, cost, and operational impact.
  5. Transition Plan: Develop a transition strategy to migrate to the chosen solution, ensuring minimal disruption and seamless integration with existing systems.

Timebox to 2 days (Gerald's comment below)

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Open Questions:


Feedback from Octant: It’s possible to transition to a more secure key management solution without significant operational disruption, potentially using credential versioning and a hybrid signing method (sign_by_hsm(hash(pii)), for example). We might need to run parallel systems during the transition to ensure security and functionality.

lucianHymer commented 3 weeks ago

I think AWS Nitro sounds like it could do something similar for us? Particularly the Nitro Security Chip, at first glance.

I believe that with this, we could have the chip generate it's own public/private key pair, and never reveal the private key even to us. Then we just send it data to sign/hash.

But if we do this, we'll probably need to think of some sort of system for rolling to a new keypair if we lose access to the original (since we won't have any backups, since it defeats the purpose). So we'll need to think that through.

This seems better than having to run our own dedicated hardware for this task.

nutrina commented 4 days ago

We should timebox this to 2 days.

We should look into AWS Nitro and HSM. What is the difference between these solution (pros & cons). In either case we should come up with a process for key rotation.