passportxyz / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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Automatic Assessment for Binance, Civic, and Trusta Stamps in 1-Click Verification Flow for Passport App #2965

Closed erichfi closed 4 days ago

erichfi commented 1 week ago

User Story:

As a user signing into the Passport App, I want the system to automatically assess my eligibility for Binance, Civic, and Trusta stamps based on my Ethereum address So that I can seamlessly integrate my verified identity and enhance security without needing to manually select verification options.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a user is signing into the Passport App using the 1-click verification flow, WHEN their Ethereum address is provided, THEN the system should automatically check if they qualify for Binance, Civic, and Trusta stamps.

GIVEN the system successfully connects to the verification services of Binance, Civic, and Trusta, WHEN a user qualifies based on their Ethereum address, THEN their profile should automatically be updated with the corresponding stamp(s).

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