passuf / WunderHabit

Level up in Habitica by completing todo's in Wunderlist.
MIT License
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Feature request: allow adding Dailies & To-Do tasks #7

Closed asfaltboy closed 8 years ago

asfaltboy commented 8 years ago

currently only tasks of type "habit" are supported.

By the way, have you considered setting up a gitter room? It will make communication a lot easier.

passuf commented 8 years ago

I am copy pasting my answer from gitter, just for completeness:

IMHO I think we should carefully think about whether it makes sense to support adding Dailies and To-Do's. Before adding To-Dos there should be sort of a sync service, otherwise it is confusing if one completes the To-Do's in Habitica and they keep staying in Wunderlist. And then if one edits a To-Do (on either app) the change should also propagate. I don't know if we should prefer to keep it simple. Handling Dailies is simpler, but there is also some synchronization needed (completed / renamed / deleted)

I would like to close this issue for now, since it exceeds the scope of the current project. However, I am always open for good ideas like this and will consider them in future updates. Thanks for participating!