passwdapp / passwd

A beautiful, cross-platform, encrypted password manager 🔐
GNU General Public License v3.0
166 stars 25 forks source link

Error in converting to apk #24

Open Akul2010 opened 2 years ago

Akul2010 commented 2 years ago

When I tried converting the code to an .apk file, it wouldn't work. Instead, it showed this:

PS C:\Users\materialsworld\Desktop\passwd-develop>   flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm --split-per-abi --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./debugInfo/apk

Building without sound null safety
For more information see

/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: 'Uint8List' is restricted and can't be extended or implemented.
class ByteList with ListMixin<int>, Encodable implements Uint8List {
.dart_tool/flutter_build/generated_main.dart:26:9: Error: Undefined name 'Win32BiometricStoragePlugin'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'CREDENTIAL'.
 - 'CREDENTIAL' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
      final result = CredWrite(credential.addressOf, 0);
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'CREDENTIAL'.
 - 'CREDENTIAL' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'Utf8'.
 - 'Utf8' is from 'package:ffi/src/utf8.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  String toString() => fromUtf8(addressOf);
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'LOGFONT'.
 - 'LOGFONT' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'ENUMLOGFONTEX'.
 - 'ENUMLOGFONTEX' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  LOGFONT get elfLogFont => addressOf.cast<LOGFONT>().ref;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'ENUMLOGFONTEX'.
 - 'ENUMLOGFONTEX' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  String get elfFullName => addressOf
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'ENUMLOGFONTEX'.
 - 'ENUMLOGFONTEX' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  String get elfStyle => addressOf
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'ENUMLOGFONTEX'.
 - 'ENUMLOGFONTEX' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  String get elfScript => addressOf
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'OSVERSIONINFO'.
 - 'OSVERSIONINFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'OSVERSIONINFO'.
 - 'OSVERSIONINFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
        ..addressOf.cast<Uint8>().elementAt(20).value = 0;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO'.
 - 'BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  String get szName => addressOf
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO'.
 - 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO'.
 - 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    addressOf.cast<Uint8>().elementAt(BTH_MAX_PIN_SIZE).value =
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO'.
 - 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO'.
 - 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
      addressOf.cast<Uint8>().elementAt(idx).value = pinData[idx];
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  final iid = GUID.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  final clsid = GUID.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  final riidCalendar = GUID.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'COMObject'.
 - 'COMObject' is from 'package:win32/src/com/combase.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final ptr = COMObject.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'COMObject'.
 - 'COMObject' is from 'package:win32/src/com/combase.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final ptr = COMObject.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'COMObject'.
 - 'COMObject' is from 'package:win32/src/com/combase.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final ptr = COMObject.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'COMObject'.
 - 'COMObject' is from 'package:win32/src/com/combase.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final ptr = COMObject.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'COMObject'.
 - 'COMObject' is from 'package:win32/src/com/combase.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final ptr = COMObject.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'COMObject'.
 - 'COMObject' is from 'package:win32/src/com/combase.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final ptr = COMObject.allocate().addressOf;
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
    final hr = CoCreateInstance(GUID.fromString(CLSID_WbemLocator).addressOf,
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
        nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, GUID.fromString(IID_IWbemLocator).addressOf, ptr);
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'GUID'.
 - 'GUID' is from 'package:win32/src/structs.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
          knownFolderID.addressOf, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, NULL, pathPtrPtr);
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Member not found: 'packageRoot'.
      io.Platform.packageRoot; // ignore: deprecated_member_use
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'NLM_SIMULATED_PROFILE_INFO' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class NLM_SIMULATED_PROFILE_INFO extends Struct {}
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'STATSTG' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'CLSID' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class CLSID extends Struct {}
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'SAFEARRAY' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class SAFEARRAY extends Struct {}
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'PROPVARIANT' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class PROPVARIANT extends Struct {}
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'PROPERTYKEY' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class PROPERTYKEY extends Struct {}
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'EXCEPINFO' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class EXCEPINFO extends Struct {}
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class BLUETOOTH_PIN_INFO extends Struct {
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'ENUMLOGFONTEX' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class ENUMLOGFONTEX extends Struct {
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'Utf16' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class Utf16 extends Struct {
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Struct 'Utf8' is empty. Empty structs and unions are undefined behavior.
class Utf8 extends Struct {
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Expected type 'T' to be a valid and instantiated subtype of 'NativeType'.
  final int totalSize = count * sizeOf<T>();

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Script 'C:\src\flutter\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\flutter.gradle' line: 1102

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildRelease'.
> Process 'command 'C:\src\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'...                           32.9s
Gradle task assembleRelease failed with exit code 1

Please do help with this.

Thank you.

gargakshit commented 2 years ago

The app hasn't been tested with flutter 2.x and 3.x, and dart:ffi changed its API in 2.x so this is expected. Contributions to fix the same are welcome

Akul2010 commented 2 years ago

I don't recall seeing any usage of dart:ffi in the code. Can you please specify where it is used exactly?

ghost commented 2 years ago

I don't recall seeing any usage of dart:ffi in the code. Can you please specify where it is used exactly?

**_/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'addressOf' isn't defined for the class 'Utf8'.
 - 'Utf8' is from 'package:ffi/src/utf8.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'addressOf'.
  String toString() => fromUtf8(addressOf);_**

I think that @gargakshit is referring to this block of code

gargakshit commented 2 years ago

Might be a transitive dependency. I do not recall a direct use of dart:ffi

mawoka-myblock commented 2 years ago

This error occurs also while building for linux. I think that many/all dependencies should be updated, which could solve the problem and up-to-date dependencies are never bad.

gargakshit commented 2 years ago

These are breaking changes and upgrading would be a huge undertaking. I, unfortunately, do not have the time and energy to do that. Although you are welcome to do it and send a PR

mawoka-myblock commented 2 years ago

These are breaking changes and upgrading would be a huge undertaking. I, unfortunately, do not have the time and energy to do that. Although you are welcome to do it and send a PR

I've tried, but I started replacing dependency-pinns with any, but the dependency-issues kept going and going. I honestly would love to help you, but unfortunately not really with dart/flutter.

gargakshit commented 2 years ago

These are breaking changes and upgrading would be a huge undertaking. I, unfortunately, do not have the time and energy to do that. Although you are welcome to do it and send a PR

I've tried, but I started replacing dependency-pinns with any, but the dependency-issues kept going and going. I honestly would love to help you, but unfortunately not really with dart/flutter.

any won't work as most dependencies had a major upgrade which breaks the API

Akul2010 commented 2 years ago

Maybe try switching dependencies? For example, we could use local_auth. I usually use that library.

gargakshit commented 2 years ago

Maybe try switching dependencies? For example, we could use local_auth. I usually use that library.

That would be a bigger change than upgrading the existing dependencies. Also local_auth doesn't fit the usecase.

Mecharev16 commented 1 year ago

what version of flutter should i use in order to build this?

Akul2010 commented 11 months ago

flutter 1.x i believe

The app hasn't been tested with flutter 2.x and 3.x