passwordmaker / chrome-passwordmaker

A browser extension based on Create unique passwords for every webpage using a cryptographic hash algorithm.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
92 stars 52 forks source link

Firefox #146

Open JeremyWW opened 9 years ago

JeremyWW commented 9 years ago

I'm having to drop Chrome due to security concerns. Is there a current compatible Firefox extension?

heavensrevenge commented 9 years ago

Hi @JeremyWW lol I doubt there's a security concern vs just being a little paranoid :P But there's the original one and another called Password Maker X which seems decent since I helped him with a bug before. I'm not too sure of many others since the original has served many well enough for the most part to not need an alternative implementation.

JeremyWW commented 9 years ago

That depends on your point of view. I'm a VPN user (and a bit of a privacy activist) - a major reason for using a VPN is anonymity and since the revelations regarding WebRTC it would seem that using a VPN is no assurance of that. It's not possible to stop that easily in a chromium based browser although it is in Firefox, thus I've been considering the switch. Since then I've discovered that there is perhaps a solution but it's not that easy, technically. Anyway, all off topic really...

Having looked at the old FF Password Maker, the exported file from chrome-password maker is not fully compatible. Profiles get imported but they don't appear to work properly although I've not had time to fully investigate why. I'm not surprised though - surely this extension has drifted away from the original spec by now and in any case the original is no longer maintained. PM X also doesn't appear to have an import function or the same level of functionality. What we really need :-) is a port of this to Firefox - uBlock (also on Github) is a nice example of where the author has done that and it works well.

heavensrevenge commented 9 years ago

Haha what are you a linux action show fan? :P

Yea... I have no idea why the heck the exported data is all weird when imported into FF, by the way since the original FF version has basically stopped development it's also not working very well at all in new FF versions as it's UI is very buggy now at least on my systems. I have made sure that Import functionality and generated passwords are working perfectly but I haven't tried to make sure exported data is compatible with the FF version as I have no idea how to debug the Firefox version. BTW if you wanted to you could always try and help me correct that :) But be warned... our import/export code is a tad complex since it wasn't made by me, I just maintain it and make sure it works for Chrome and Android.

JeremyWW commented 9 years ago

I've tried all day to overcome my other issues with Chrome to no avail. Turns out gorhill has an issue with uBlock in chromium browsers whereas it's all good in FF. So, this time I've given up and I'm back to FF. All good (or tolerable) - I actually manged to log in here using the original PWM addon but I know there are problems elsewhere. I don't have any coding skills so it's no good me trying to fix it but I can certainly test things out thoroughly. Excuse my ignorance but is it not possible to port this extension directly to Firefox using the existing code - sorry if that's a really stupid question - probabaly shows me up, but that's what we really what we need.

EDIT: The default profile works in that the correct password fills the field. The problem is that the FF addon doesn't recognise profiles 'per site' so you need to open the Password Maker UI, choose the profile and copy the password manually. That works but it's clunky.

JeremyWW commented 9 years ago

Some progress. It seems that the only way I can get PWM to recognise a URL pattern and thus match the correct profile is by using a wildcard like * *. In Chrome I had but that doesn't work as per my last post. Also, I cannot get usernames to populate - well, maybe one or two, but if the username is an email address it doesn't work. So, it's usable, just. It's just such a damn shame that no-one has picked up the Firefox add-on and worked with you on it. It's 80% there with a few small UI bugs to sort. I wish I had the programming skills but I don't - do you not know someone who would pick it up?

heavensrevenge commented 9 years ago

@JeremyWW Firefox may be adopting the Chrome extension API so if that happens I'll see if it isn't too bad porting to Firefox... Or if any pull requests come my way I'll gladly accept that too :smile:

So there may be hope!

thomas001 commented 7 years ago

I loaded the extension without any changes into firefox 54 (using Load Temporary Addon) and most of the functionality just seemed to work. Only issue I noticed was copy-to-clipboard not working. But there was a maybe useful message in the console about this.

Why not just upload the addon to the firefox add-on site? You probably only need minor manifest changes.

heavensrevenge commented 8 months ago

As of 0.10.0 this is completely source compatible with FF minus the manifest.json tweak so a "port" isn't required now. But it still needs to be put on their add-ons site.

heavensrevenge commented 8 months ago

Actually, @miquelfire or @ericjung do we have any official releases for the Mozilla add-on site?? This code is now able to run in Firefox without alteration other than tweaking the manifest.json scripts section and adding an Id section.

"background": { scripts": ["javascript/background.js"] }, "browser_specific_settings": { "gecko": { "id": "" } },

Is all that's required to make this run in FF

heavensrevenge commented 8 months ago

@JeremyWW @thomas001 @miquelfire @ericjung I've become owner/developer of the Passwordmaker Pro on the Firefox Add-on site AMO so I'll be doing releases for Firefox too since this is source compatible with FF. Available here @miquelfire or @GitTom or @ericjung would you like me to add you to the account as a dev?