passy / angular-masonry

An AngularJS directive for Masonry.
MIT License
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ios 8 issue? #157

Closed Taewa closed 8 years ago

Taewa commented 8 years ago

Hello. I am using ionic with angular-masonry. It's not working in iOS 8 webview. (iPhone5c) ( The bricks can not find proper position )

I tried to find the reason and I assume iOS 8 webview does not catch 'ontransitionend' event. In item.js, there is proto.ontransitionend. And if ( isEmptyObj( _transition.ingProperties ) ) {... part never be invoked on iOS 8 webview, which means _transition.ingProperties keep having {transform: true}

I have another iPhone5c which is iOS 9, and I works.

One thing more I found out is that in item.js, there is // -------------------------- CSS3 support -------------------------- // part. If you put console.log with transitionProperty, transformProperty variables, iOS 8 webview gets webkit prefix (eg : WebkitTransition, WebkitTransform) iOS 9 webview gets transition, transform.

So I guess transitionend end does not fire in iOS8 webview. I check on stack overflow But I don't know where to fix this part. ( I don't know if I am digging right point. )

Thank you.

passy commented 8 years ago

Sorry, but I have no way to verify this and it's most likely not an issue with a wrapper but with the underlying masonry library. Please open an issue on the upstream tracker.

Taewa commented 8 years ago

After I update angularJS from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0, it's working.