passy / ctlmngr

A manager for custom timelines
MIT License
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Make the raw screenshots open in a new tab #27

Closed alrra closed 10 years ago

mathiasbynens commented 10 years ago

target=_blank is evil!

mathiasbynens commented 10 years ago

Why not let people decide if they want to open it in a new tab or not?

alrra commented 10 years ago

Why not let people decide if they want to open it in a new tab or not?

Yea, ok. I personally find it kinda annoying when I accidentally click and I am navigated away from the page just to see an image.

passy commented 10 years ago

I used also be completely against target=_blank, but don't have strong opinions about it anymore. In the context of the app, I used it to prevent people from accidentally navigating away and potentially losing the application state.